I may be a cliche but i'll be my own kind of cliche, thanks

Nov 02, 2010 18:02

I'm hanging downtown in advance of w00tstock Austin and heh, I walked past THREE DIFFERENT coffeeshops (two hipster, one Starbucks) and am writing at a pizza place instead. Cause, you know, a coffeeshop would just be so common!

lillian13 Are you coming after all? FYI - I'm at Cozzoli's just across from the Paramount and will be until Dave drops The Boy off after rowing (eh, 6:45-6:50). Have to rescind that coffee offer as The Boy has a PowerPoint to finish and email to his English teacher before midnight (One day that kid is going to run into someone he can't talk his way around and I do not want to be around to see it.) Also, Theater field trip to TRF tomorrow and I'm a chaperone - is there anything you need/want?

so glad i'm not in middle school, keeping austin weird

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