About time for a music festival 'round here...

Sep 28, 2010 22:07

Okay, with just over a week to go let’s take a look at Dremiel’s picks for ACL. This is, of course, HIGHLY subjective and reflects my personal taste so don’t be harshing on me for skipping Phish. Really.

BTW- if you’re going to be here for the fest for goodness sake drop me a note. I’d love to meet up and buy you an iced tea or a beer. Don’t let my musical taste scare you away. Plenty of folks ‘round here can vouch for me not being any crazier than the rest of the internet!

Austin City Limits Music Festival: Friday

JJ Grey & Mofro Yes, I am honestly planning to get to the Fest in time to hear an opener and it isn’t for Asleep at the Wheel or Robert Earl Keen. What even. Instead of being sad that JJ Grey will be playing to FAR TO FEW people in an early slot I will be Oh, so happy that he is playing at all since I think he has a private gig elsewhere on Saturday. So this is the only time he could play. JJ, my love for you is such that I will BE THERE, BB!

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*bonus: since Charlie Mars doesn’t go on until 12:20 I shouldn’t have to hear any stray chords from him while crossing the park. This should help with keep the screaming/puking down…really sick of his stuff.

Donovon Frankenreiter Eh, maybe. Soft Pack is not all that exciting. This may be my “go find April at the main Sweet Leaf Tea booth and see what color she has in her hair this year” slot. Or lunch. Or just sorting out base camp.

The Mountain Goats or Carolyn Wonderland. I like CW better but as she’s local I can also see her around. Or Blues Traveller if I’m really in a mood.

Wander out to Lamar and Barton Springs to meet Samuel. His school is only about three miles from the park, which is certainly walkable, but as he’ll have a 25 pound backpack and his Alto Sax and 2nd backpack full of music…I friend’s mom is picking him up and dropping him on the nearest corner for me. It would be politic to be there waiting rather than asking her to dump him and leave, yes. Also, I’ll have his ticket.

The Black Keys Yay! Should be fun. Pat Green is across the park which should keep the crowd managable, maybe, or not as it’s the stage that Spoon is playing at 6pm.

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4:45-5:30 Band of Heathens If, you know, we wanna wander?

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Probably wandering or dinner for The Boy or a rousing game of Fluxx which is an ACL tradition now. Also I think this is when The Boy is planning to meet up with some friends and form a roving band of 8th grade Theater Geeks. You have been warned.

Amos Lee or Spoon. I know EVERYONE will be at Spoon. I like Spoon. But I also like Amos Lee - he’s a smart songwriter. I like smart.

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VAMPIRE WEEKEND, BABY! Yeah, I love Ryan Bingham, too. And Robert Randolph. And Sonic Youth can be fun…but VAMPIRE WEEKEND!! I bet I can out POGO all those teenagers! Hee!

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The Strokes. You betcha!

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Saturday and Sunday to come.

keeping austin weird, three chords and the truth, acl

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