Oooh, Shiny meme!

Aug 20, 2010 08:20

Via kel_reiley

Comment here and I will:

1. Respond with something random about you.
2. Tell you which color you remind me of.
3. Tell you my first memory of you.
4. Tell you what animal you remind me of.
5. Ask you something I've always wondered about you.
6. Tell you my favorite thing about you.
7. Challenge you to post this on your journal.

Play along, folks! ( Read more... )

thinkiness, lemming-like

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nandamai August 20 2010, 13:37:44 UTC
Oh, what the hell. :)


dremiel August 20 2010, 15:16:02 UTC
I think my first memory of you was your Nanda Pants icon! And your amazing fic, but lord knows which one, I sorta siddled into SG1 fandom and hey, here's the good stuff!

I love your infectious love for Boston and the old church you used to walk past. Also, I have the impression that you are constantly losing/finding your water shoes but have no idea if that is based in fact, a complete fabrication, or just something that happened once and stuck in my head.

Also: vegan brownies! Am I just making it all up now? IDK?


nandamai August 20 2010, 15:27:52 UTC
Hee. Jojo made me that icon. I do indeed frequently lose my water shoes. I have zero storage space, so my outdoor gear supposedly lives in a big bin in my bedroom, but in reality it migrates all over the house when I can't squeeze it into the bin. And I did post the vegan brownies recipe!


dremiel August 20 2010, 15:45:47 UTC
in my experience water shoes have short-distance random teleporters built into them.

The brownies are yummy! I add ancho chile when I make them.


nandamai August 20 2010, 15:48:13 UTC
in my experience water shoes have short-distance random teleporters built into them.

They so do! At the moment one of my Chacos has gone walkabout, and I need it to come home ASAP.


dremiel August 20 2010, 19:45:51 UTC
Ah, I'l try this the RIGHT way.

1. Teleporting water shoes, yes.
2. Pink, even though I'm pretty sure your hair isn't really the color it is in your curly-hair icon!
3. Nanda Pants, naturally
4. A river otter. Sleek and mischievious.
5. What are you watching these days?
6. From a fandom perspective my favorite thing is that you write het and slash with equal grace and that was new to me as x-files fandom had such stark lines in the sand regardhing ships.


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