TW Drabble: Lessons Learned

Jul 08, 2010 02:04

Title: Lessons Learned
Character: Jack
Rating: G
Notes: Posted to tw100  for Challenge 159. Reverse fandom challenge: Lost, Episode title "Because You Left".

Without me, they get stronger. I wonder that they take me back, again and again.

They learn to trust themselves, and each other. They hold their own. Eventually, they even do it with style.

They learn that Big Damn Heroes are seldom around when you need them but a woman with the vision to ask “what if?” and the intellect to back it up is always the better bet anyhow.

They learn that they don’t need me at all; that instead of leading them I just held them back.

I learn that leaving isn’t running; it’s an act of love.

torchwood, tw100, fic? really?

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