TW Drabble: Dress For Success

Jul 06, 2010 10:29

Title: Dress For Success
Characters/Pairings: Gwen + Ianto
Rating: G
Notes: Posted to tw100 for Challenge 159. Reverse fandom challenge: Lost, Episode title Born to Run. Inspired by and dedicated to pocky_slash  Now you have to write the real one!

“Gwen, no. No Clarks; no Borns.”

“Maybe just some new Converse trainers, then? Oh, they have purple!”

He gave her a deeply wounded look and crossed to a display of Marni and Stella McCartney wedges.”You asked for my help, Gwen.”

“I know, Sweetie, and I love the boots you talked me into but I can’t wear three-inch heels everyday. Not the best choice for chasing down alien threats.”

“No harm in looking sharp for our guests.” He straightened his waistcoat and shot her a sly grin.

Hiding a smirk she held up a Van, “Look. They're perfect for you. Pinstripes!”

...Spoiler space...

torchwood, tw100, fic? really?

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