Drabble: Domestic

Jun 05, 2010 09:34

Title: Domestic
Fandom: Torchwood
Character: Ianto
Rating: G
Length: 100

He brought the edges of the sheet together and snapped it sharply. Three deft folds and it joined his tidy stack of towels, fresh scent and smart corners pleasing him in equal measure. At the cupboard, he paused to refold a flannel before tucking the linens away. He wasn’t fussed by the ill-folded cloth, really. It was evidence of shared chores, a shared life. Warmth curled in his belly. Mooning over sloppily folded laundry; next would be smears of toothpaste in the basin. God, he was a sap.

A key in the lock, “Ianto? Still awake?”

He turned, smiling, “Lisa.”

torchwood, fic? really?

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