I cannot believe I am writing this!

May 31, 2010 14:55

So I, umm, not only wrote my first fanfic (ficlet, really) in about ten years but it's also porn, kinda. It's posted anonymously at the Torchwood/Doctor Who Porn Comment Battle VII kindly hosted by cruentum and 51stcenturyfox but I may clean it up and repost here, eventually.

Maybe. Gah. There's an actual Jesuit Brother on my flist, you know. I think he's having a busy week, though.

I cannot believe I am writing this!

In related news: A good chance to buy yourself a new toy! Uh, we're all of age here, right? 20% off (and free shipping on orders over $50) at Babeland, ends today.

tmi, torchwood, addictive behaviors are fun!, dirty girl

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