THIS is the way to treat your volunteers: Alcohol and soft porn!

May 16, 2010 08:47

1) Had a wonderful evening in the company of seventy or so women of valor. Drinking wine and talking about sex in the bible. Never have I heard a funnier reading of Esther's story or a filthier line reading of "He reached out to her with his scepter of gold, which he had in his hand. She moved to him and touched the tip of his golden scepter." Also, remember...if the text says "she uncovered his feet" she didn't stop at his feet. A very fun evening indeed, made more awesome by the age range in the room: early 20's to late 80's!

2) Yesterday, the highly-anticipated Australian package arrived from iamshadow and I now have..TA amazing extermiknit dalek! I really want to post a picture of it in all its coppery glory but I need to wait until there is no chance The Boy will see the dalek or the photo and I am holding this back to send him at camp in July. If I last that long. I vacillate between wanting to give it to him NOW OMG and wanting to belt out MINE! MINE! in a dalek voice. Parenting is HARD, folks, particularly the "being mature" part. I will get pictures up soon, though...She did a beautiful job! Thanks so much!!!!

3) I'm trying to figure out my day and wondering if I really want to go to both games of the double header today. No, no...not a pod person, don't worry. I'm going to the ballpark for SOME baseball, at least, it's the last home games of the regular season but five-ish hours is a bit of a stretch (or a lot of not stretching as the case may be) and the guys can't join me until the second game anyway. Hmm.

4) Big month for the nephews in our extended family! Congratulations to J who graduated from Indiana last week and arrived back in Austin yesterday. He has a gig for the summer but is still looking long term - a good land on his feet guy, he'll be fine. And to K, who graduates from Washington University next week with a BS, a BA, and a job. He's also been accepted to medical school but deferred it to next year AND he stays in pitch when he sings. Don't hate him, he's an absolute sweetie. And to M who is celebrating his 31st birthday today...settling into Seattle, a new job, and all that the Capitol Hill neighborhood can offer a smart, cute, guy looking for love.

5) solsticezero posted another beautiful Torchwood vignette last night and it's HAPPY (and more bird symbolism)!

6) I'm not entirely sure that we don't, collectively, have more than half our clothes in the laundry just now. That seems like a tipping point to me. Maybe if I get on this I can justify that second game of baseball?

thinkiness, 27 outs, virtual jew

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