Yet more MADE OF WIN!

Dec 16, 2009 10:33

Thanks to the sharp eyes and clever brain of Lillian13 (who alerted me to its existence and kindly acted as my personal shopper) I acquired a wooden crossbow that shoots nerf darts for The Boy and collected it from Lillian13 last week over dinner (man that was good Orange Tofu!)

Last night, after lighting the menorah, The Boy opened it. Glee just barely begins to describe his reaction. The rest of the evening devolved into target shooting. The crossbow is really quite accurate and FUN FUN FUN!

It was, in fact, declared "As awesome as my iPod Touch!"

So, if you ever wondered what an almost 13 year old boy who is heavily into D&D, robotics, Mythbusters, and NPR really you know.

geek mom, made of win

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