Pretty much had enough...

Sep 28, 2009 21:41

I am full up on religious ritual. Also hosiery and heels and suits and the like.

Wednesday: Visitation and Memorial Service for friend's father
Thursday: Funeral
Sunday AM: Memorial Mass in honor of my father who died 8 years ago*
Sunday PM: Kol NIdre - the MOST gorgeous service of the Jewish High Holy days and the start of the Day of Atonement
Monday AM: Yom Kippur morning service
Monday PM: Yom Kippur closing service
Monday PM - later: Visitation and Rosary service for friend's mother
Monday PM - still later: Break fast with friends (not that I was actually fasting, mind you, but all the Jewish family members were)

Still to come...
Tuesday: Funeral Mass

Okay people - you've seen it all now. I got rid of most of my suits and dressy career wear when I got rid of the career. I have now run through my three good suits and two favorite "church-y" dresses. No more dying, alright?

*oddly the calendars almost agree this year. It was 9/27 in 2001 (Julian) and Yom Kippur, 5762 (Jewish)

dead fathers club, still catholic, virtual jew

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