Random stuff or busy like a ...

Sep 24, 2009 20:12

1. I was, I admit, a trifle nervous; a little apprehensive. I was wrong. The production of The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee at Zach Scott was glorious!  Well cast, well staged, well sung. Some of the set decoration choices were really nice: the folding/rolling cafeteria table and the on stage cafeteria window which became a snack bar at intermission were both used really well. Dressing the band in whites w/ aprons and hairnets was a fun touch.

I feel a little proprietorial about this musical as AmazingTheaterNiece did props for the original run and it was one of her first Broadway credits when it moved to Second Stage. I've seen it in Technical Rehearsal Off-Broadway, as a Broadway hit, and now back here at home. The Boy, who will belt along with  "My Unfortunate Erection" around the house sometimes (I never ask), texted ATN during intermission to assure her that the production was great but it was weird not to see "her" numbers on the placards.

2. It's been raining for a week now and I still have the occasional urge to run out and dance in it. Actually for the last four days it has just sort of drizzled nonstop. We've had five inches at our house (more than we had from February to August) and things are starting to green up. We even have new growth on the pomegranate and on the fig trees.

3. The Boy has lost his first raincoat of the season but all hoodies are present and accounted for. I think I'll try to do a lost coat count this year.

4. The Boy totally tanked his Japanese quiz on Monday but the teacher is giving him a chance to retake it tomorrow after school. He is studying his Hirigana as we speak. I did remind him that this, fair or not, is what having a rep as a good student gets you: teachers that go out of their way to help you out when you blow something.

5. He has finally whipped his book report on The Wizard of Earthsea into shape and it is ready for him to turn in tomorrow, right on time. On the other hand, all three kids in the carpool apparently forgot about the book report for Geo/History and not a single one of them (including mine) has even picked out a book, much less read it and written the two pages that are do on TUESDAY! This is sort of strange since it's the same schedule as last year (1 fiction for English +1 nonfiction for Geo/His due every six weeks). Seventh graders.

6. The school band is playing at two High School football games this season. If you're a Jewish parent in Texas I bet you can guess what nights they fall on!  Yep, Erev Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur!  As a family we decided that even though Yom Kippur ends at 7:20 on Monday The Boy can go ahead and play at the 6:45 game.

7. The funeral today was lovely. Kay's BIL told some fabulous stories about Harold and had everyone chuckling. He was an amazing man and the last three months were hellish for him and for Kay. I'm happy that she knows she can be glad it's finally over and that someone really does understand and has been in that exact place. Rituals, they sure make it easier.

8. I REALLY want to watch Criminal Minds before I am completely spoiled but am afraid that by the time The Boy finishes his Japanese and his shower and heads off to bed I may crash as well. Bummer.

9. I also figured out what I want Torchwood 4 to look like: CJH, Gwen, Martha, Lois, and parallel universe Ianto who was never involved with CJH in his timeline and is desperate to get home to Lisa and their 2.3 children. How awesome would that be?!

10. OMGWTFBBQ... NotDead Ianto AND an interrobang in the same sentence...STOP ME BEFORE I INTERROBANG AGAIN!

momhood, torchwood, dead fathers club, blue glow, virtual jew

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