nothing funnier than your dad and grandma arguing over whether you're sleeping with the boyfriend...

Apr 03, 2005 20:24

so im at work again, and without my customary pre-work nap. its going to be a long night, especially since im sitting alone at the back of the lab (at the reject desk - which i chose) and because i have a lab report to write. 13 more days of school left, which is awesome, and awesomely horrible (similar to andreas driving skills) with all the work i have left to do.

i have turtles!!

anyone know how to tell male/female? turtle babies would kickass

yesterday was the reef club meeting. i went (on 2.5 hours of sleep) and still had a great time. some really great people, that i got to talk about fish and setups and corals, for hours on end - literally. came home with some nice stuff (pocillopora, yellow star polyps, digitata, zooanthids, a cabbage leather?). so of course, today was a water change and general cleaning day. i also superglued everything down. i think i have carnivorous bugs in the tank, which im not sure how to deal with. i see them, and i get this irresistable urge to squish them into pulp, but it doesnt work so well when they are the size of ants, and lightning fast. pos amphipods
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