I'm in love

May 10, 2007 21:47

I know it's been a while but I really don't care because nobody reads this anyway. I think, no, I know I'm in love. I just got my first color rolls of Holga film back from the lab and I must say I think I've found my niche. I scanned in half of 2 rolls of 12 so I think that's pretty good considering I forgot to tape the two holes after removing the 6x4 mask and got the infamous "triangle" on most of my images. It was annoying for the most part but unnoticeable in most of the ones I scanned. I've since taped the holes but my friend Michelle K on Flickr says to NO TAPE! I'll see what the next batch looks like. Anyway, below is a fav from the series that I shot at the Hollywood Cemetery in Richmond, VA.

hollywood cemetery, holga

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