Deathnote. Pls.

Nov 14, 2009 23:30

There is something seriously irritating about someone who goes into the lab, knowing you're still running experiments, messes with your set up without asking if you are still using it, and then LEAVES IT LIKE THAT. And when asked to please put the damn tank back when he's done, says something like, "Oh sorry, you should have told me when you want it back." And then DOES NOT PUT IT BACK. AND ALSO logs into the computer and WALKS OFF WITHOUT BOTHERING TO LOG OFF.

Which somehow means that he has the right to log me off the computer if he happens to see it logged on. And therefore it's my fault for not leaving a note on the computer saying in giant letters "DO NOT LOG OFF RUNNING FUCKING MATLAB".

It's been a couple of rather annoying days, I guess. I had wanted to go to the International Markets today, but because of this kind of entertaining antics on the part of my labmate and certain workpersons who think having possession of a master key meant they could waltz into any lab they wanted and dick around, because of these terribly considerate people, I now have to conduct my experiments on the weekend. Which means that I couldn't go to the markets and had to ask a friend to do my shopping for me instead.

So - a couple of annoying days, my weekends going kaputt, and then there's that whole period thing that happened in the middle of the week. Oh, and the weather is playing havoc, what with a short cold summer being eaten at both sides by long cool spring and autumn, and yet winter has yet to show up. In fact it's actually warmer now than it was at the tail end of the summer. It's getting very annoying, and the changeable weather being cold at night and sunny-warm in the day time is probably not good for my health or sinuses.

On the other hand, on Friday I got a whole steelhead trout, minus the head. For free. There was me, carting a big fish as long as my arm home wrapped in three layers of plastic.

Aaaaall for me.

AND I baked it tonight, in salt, pepper, generous amounts of garlic and hua diao jiu (Rice wine) till the fish all but melted under the fork. Totally made up for the scales in my hair.

I wish I had more Remy fic. I also want to RP Remy with people, or just write him, but i'm not sure what. I just want to read more of X-Men fic, TF2 fic, GW fic, or something, and write.

So of course my arm is startinng to hurt again.

Thank you arm!

food, fish, school, rl

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