
Jan 05, 2012 11:26

Where's Diana when you need her? lol. Ironically my fanfic for her and Lois has been completely plagiarized by someone called Avalonofthewind on I posted a review calling them out on it and PM'd them but I doubt they'll respond.

ETA: The fic has been taken down. User claims that their page was hacked and it was posted by someone else. Sounds fishy to me but what I wanted was done. Hopefully the fic doesn't show up somewhere else.

Here are screencap comparisions:



Anyway! I posted to the LJ group Stop Plagiarism so maybe that's the end of it? I dunno but dude, seriously? If you want to steal why not at least change the fic title and maybe move it off site. Plagiarizing is already fucking lazy why not put a little effort into the theft.

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irked, fanfic, sad face

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