Fanfic Update! Bylines and Bracelets: Three (Lois Lane/Wonder Woman)

Dec 24, 2011 15:13

TITLE: Bylines and Bracelets (Or How Lois Lane Fell In Love With Diana of Themyscira)
SERIES: Wonder Woman/Superman/DCU
AUTHOR: Dreiser
GTALK: dreiser7
CONTENT: One Shot. AU origins story. F/F romance. F/F sex. Lois Lane/Wonder Woman
SUMMARY: Lois Lane never believed in love at first sight but that was before Metropolis gained a Wonder Woman.
DISCLAIMER: I own nothing but my dismay at the latest revamping of the DCU.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is a very alternate universe story that starts with the proposal of what if Lois Lane was a lesbian and what if Wonder Woman was Metropolis' chosen hero. It goes on from there. I hope you find my weird idea enjoyable and happy holidays!

Bylines and Bracelets
(Or How Lois Lane Fell In Love With Diana of Themyscira)


By: Dreiser

If she had to make a guess, Lois would say it had been at least three years since her last serious relationship. Which left her a tad nervous if she was perfectly honest. She had never been comfortable in any of her romances. There was always some major problem. Whether it be personality differences, work arguments, or just her general lack of prolonged interest in the other person something always ended the relationship before too long and Lois didn't want that to happen with Diana. The incredible thing was, even though she did worry about this, Lois had a sixth sense it wouldn't happen. That contentment she felt when she was with Diana had never quite left her and she imagined it never would.

Not to say they didn't have their problems. Diana was just as headstrong as Lois and when she made up her mind about something she rarely wavered. Themyscira had granted her a fairly black and white view of the world and Lois tended to see things in shades of gray. It was something they were trying to work around.

Then there was the reality of their occupations, both of which left them with very little free time. Lois couldn't fault Diana for flying off in the middle of their dates to go defeat this super villain and help with a hurricane in that city. Particularly since she did the same thing to Diana when it came to her stories. One of which currently had her hiding out in a crappy motel in Ankara, Turkey. It was the last stop on a major sex slave trafficking route, crossing the Black Sea from Moldova and Ukraine, and Lois had been following the story for the past month after the Metropolis Police busted an operation out of Hell's Gate.

Too many sleepless nights and sneaking around dark alleys and getting the barest tips and interviews from former johns and a few lucky women who managed to escape absorbed Lois' time. Now it was finally over. She would be getting out of Turkey first thing in the morning and she couldn't wait. Groaning as she flopped down on her bed, she eyed her cell phone, the battery long dead and plugged into the power converter. After it slowly came to life, her eyes widened at the series of loud notifications, one after the other, that emerged from it. Reaching for the phone, she blinked on seeing Diana's contact name show up multiple times in both voice mail and text message form. Though she knew it was inappropriate, Lois couldn't help but be amused by line after line of the word Princess showing up on her phone. After all, this was a sign of Diana's concern for her and that was hardly a laughing matter. Of course, Diana's reaction to discovering her contact name had been disappointingly staid, simply saying that it was an accurate title, considering who her mother was.

Reading through the texts, each one more worried than the last, Lois mulled over Diana's choice of technologies. She could care less about computers and cars but she absolutely loved her cell phone and that jet the Justice League flew around in. Lois was typing out a reply to Diana's long line of texts when she was startled by a noise at her window. Dropping herself and her phone to the floor, Lois reached for her nearby satchel, pulling out her gun. If this story had taught her anything, it was to never let your guard down. The people she was investigating didn't want to be exposed and if they had any inkling of what she was up to Lois knew she probably wouldn't see the light of day.

The noise came again and Lois slid over, leaning against the wall and peering up through the bottom of the window. Adjusting to the dim streetlights, Lois came face to face with the very familiar sight of royal blue and white stars. "Diana," Lois sighed in relief and she quickly put down the gun and opened the window. "You scared the crap out of me," she said as a hello.

"You didn't call me back," Diana reasoned as she flew inside. "Or text me," she added with a frown.

"My cell phone battery died," replied Lois, shutting the window quickly. The adrenaline leaving her body, Lois flopped onto the bed and covered her eyes with her forearm. "I'm sorry," she said after a moment. "I'm just really beat."

"It's all right," Diana reassured and Lois felt the bed dip under her weight. "Normally I wouldn't interfere with your work but these are dangerous people you are looking into and when you didn't respond..."

Moving her arm from her eyes and scooting down the bed, Lois rested her cheek on Diana's thigh and looked up at her. "Hey," she murmured softly. "You don't have to apologize for worrying about me. I worry about you all the time. Logically I know you have your super friends to help you out and all but sometimes I get irrational thoughts like what if the villain of the month pulls out the latest 31 flavor of Kryptonite on big blue and he goes down and you're left fighting Darkseid solo? I mean, I know it's pointless to worry about what if's like that but sometimes I really can't help it."

"At least I'm not alone," said Diana wryly, sifting her fingers through Lois' hair and massaging her scalp. Her hands moved down to Lois' stiff shoulders and she slowly began to work the muscles there. "You're always so tense."

"I can't help it," Lois muttered, shifting on the bed, and allowing Diana access to her back as well. When Diana worked through a particularly painful knot, she groaned in appreciation. "You have magic hands."

"Mythological is more appropriate," said Diana playfully and Lois snickered.

"One day people will read stories about them," Lois predicted in muffled tones, her face buried in her arms, starting to drift off thanks to Diana's attentions. "Hear the tale of Wonder Woman's mythological hands and her legendary legs."

"Just my hands and legs?" Diana questioned humorously. "I think the rest of me feels offended."

Turning her head to peer up at Diana, wearing a cheeky grin, Lois drawled, "Breathtaking breasts, fantastical face, exquisite eyes, astonishing arms, fabulous feet--"

"You've made your point," interrupted Diana in good natured tones, frowning as she worked the knots out of Lois' shoulders. "Lois," she said after a long pause and the journalist blinked at that tone. She always heard it whenever Diana felt she was going to ask something significant. It usually accompanied the rare moments of doubt from the other woman. "I want to stay with you tonight." Lois stared up at Diana, wondering why she was being so formal. While they hadn't had sex, they had wound up sleeping over at each other's apartments after one too many late nights. It was simply the nature of their odd hours relationship. "This hotel isn't in a safe area and while I trust in your capabilities I could not rest if--"

"I've got a t-shirt and shorts in my bag that will fit you," Lois cut off Diana's explanation, smiling up at her.

Diana returned her smile with a gleaming one of her own, kissing Lois tenderly and moving off the bed to retrieve the clothes. She walked into the bathroom to change and Lois turned onto her back and kicked off her pants, slipping underneath the sheets in her v-neck shirt and underwear, too exhausted to bother doing anything else. Lois was halfway asleep when Diana settled next to her, an arm sliding around her waist, and Lois sighed at the press of Diana's breasts against her back. Resting in that realm between consciousness and sleep, Lois felt Diana kiss her neck and murmur, "Sleep. I will watch over you."

In the brief seconds before slumber, Lois relished the feeling of safety this leant her. She could take care of herself, no one would ever say otherwise, Diana included, but it was nice to know that she had someone who wanted to protect her. A person who cared about what happened to her and thought of her when she was off on dangerous investigations.

Especially when that person was Diana.


Their six month anniversary was marked by Lois being kidnapped by a thousand year old sorceress with a major grudge to bear when it came to Diana. From what Lois could make out of Circe's ramblings she thought Diana was meant to steal the soul of some witch-goddess by the name of Hecate who gave Circe major magical powers by possessing her. Lois attempted to point out the idea of Diana wanting to be possessed by some random witch-goddess was pretty stupid but Circe really wasn't in the mood for listening and Lois ended up being turned into a small terrier.

If she had a dog, the experience would've left Lois rethinking putting a collar and leash on them, that's for certain.

Lois had seen Diana in action plenty of times. She'd seen her deflect bullets, throw cars, and punch Solomon Grundy across six city blocks. But she had never seen Diana like this. The wall burst apart, rubble flying everywhere, and Diana appeared through the dust, a grim look on her face and an overwhelming rage in her eyes. It had been pure instinct to bark and try to get closer, well, as close as the leash would allow. When Diana looked her way, her gaze softened slightly, only to return to it's previous state as she glared at Circe. "Reverse the spell," Diana demanded.

"Why should I do that? I think this form suits her far better," said Circe in aggravatingly dulcet tones.

In response, Lois growled and Diana flew across the room, punching Circe through several walls. She moved to chase after them, concerned about the sounds she heard and Diana's angry shouts accompanied by Circe's mocking laughs but she was stymied by that damn leash. Settling on barking to show her disapproval and worry, Lois soon stopped and jumped backwards upon having a large golden mask in her face.

"Shhh," Dr. Fate said reassuringly. "Wonder Woman brought me. I'm here to help." Another wall collapsed and suddenly Diana was in the room with them, holding Circe by the throat, and Dr. Fate floated over to the sorceress, studying her for several moments before nodding his head. "I think I have it."

"Even if you do, it won't help her," Circe proclaimed. "I'll get out from whatever hell you put me in, Diana. And when that happens I'll just take her again and change her into something even worse. Or maybe," she said this thoughtfully, an antagonistic gleam in her eyes. "I won't change her into anything at all. Maybe I'll just kill her. Won't that be fun?"

"Witch," said Diana in a soft hiss, tightening her grip around Circe's neck. "Don't tempt me."

Dr. Fate finished his chant with a wave of his hand and a loud boom and with a great amount of relief, Lois found herself back to normal, and she quickly grabbed her clothing from the floor. Shifting it enough to cover her naked form as she set about removing the damned collar and leash from around her neck. Circe began to say something, most likely insulting, but Diana squeezed tighter and there was a tormented look in her eyes as she gazed at Lois. "I have to deal with her," she said in something of a whisper, apologies in her voice and expression.

"Okay," Lois barely had time to respond when Diana turned to Dr. Fate and asked him to transport them away. Then Lois was alone and left wondering what that look had meant because her gut told her it wasn't anything good.


Sometimes Lois entertained the whimsical idea of installing a doorbell outside her balcony door for Diana. The thought occurred to her again when Diana showed up almost two hours after leaving with Circe and Dr. Fate. She had that same grim look on her face and her eyes were lowered and when they focused on Lois there was a sad resignation there. As if she was being forced to do something she really didn't want to. Lois had just shut the door and Diana opened her mouth to speak when Lois folded her arms across her chest and interrupted her.

"No," said Lois emphatically. "We're not breaking up just because a stupid witch with tacky purple hair turned me into Lassie."

"Lois," Diana said her name in strangled tones, stepping forward, her hands reaching for her. "I can't protect you from Circe. She's too powerful and I know, despite all the measures that Dr. Fate and Zatanna employed, eventually she will escape. I have little doubt she will make good on her threats against you."

"And we'll deal with her then," said Lois simply, walking past Diana and into the kitchen. Suddenly she really needed a drink. Something alcoholic and fortifying. She had a feeling she'd need it to talk Diana out of her idiotic preconceptions. "End story."

"No, that's not the end," said Diana with increasing frustration. "Aren't you listening to me, Lois? I can't protect you from her. She will escape and when she does she will want to hurt you in order to punish me."

"Yeah, I got that, she's a psycho witch, literally," said Lois, pulling out a bottle of Glendronach 1968 whiskey that she had planned on giving to her father this Christmas. Deciding she needed it far more than him, she opened it and poured herself a glass. "What's that got do with you and me?" she asked, drinking slowly and daring Diana to say the words.

"I can't allow you to be hurt or put in danger because of me," said Diana strongly. "We can't be together."

"Bullshit," said Lois firmly, setting her glass down on the counter with a loud thump and pouring herself another drink. "You want to know why? Let's go through all the logical fallacies, shall we? So we break up and Circe gets loose again, you say since we're not together she'll refrain from turning me into Flipper or whatever and focus all her witchy rage on you. I say even if we break up you'll still be in love with me, because I'll still be in love with you, angry as hell, but still in love, and Circe will know that and she'll come after me anyway and I'll end up in a tuna net. Except I won't be a happy Flipper because you will have broken up with me for no fucking good reason. That's what I say, Princess. What have you got?"

"Lois," Diana whispered and she sounded so hurt, so broken, that it tore at Lois' heart. It made her want to be kinder, gentler, in her words and she would've been if she didn't realize this fucked up situation was the first time she confessed her feelings.

"You keep saying my name like it actually means something," muttered Lois, drinking the whiskey and focusing on the glass. "You know I never told you I loved you before? And now I'm saying it and you're trying to dump me. How's that for romance?"

"Don't you understand," said Diana so softly, stepping closer and holding Lois face in her hands. The journalist obstinately looked into her eyes, her jaw set firmly in anger. "If I was the reason something ever happened to you I could never live with myself."

"Something's going to happen whether you're with me or not," said Lois plainly. "I don't have the safest job in the world. I spend my time chasing stories about the worst people imaginable and none of them are ever happy about me calling them out. I've had more than my share of death threats, some more serious than others, and I can guarantee all that will still go on if you end this right now. The only thing that will change is the both of us will be miserable and I'll be pissed at you."

Seconds seemed like hours and then a small watery smile that matched the tears in Diana's eyes formed on her features and she tenderly caressed Lois' cheek. "Always so stubborn," she said in an affectionate murmur.

"Seems like I have to be with you," Lois scoffed and she relaxed slightly, reaching up to cover Diana's hand with her own, letting her anger fall to the wayside. "Does this mean you're done with the stupid talk about breaking up?"

"Yes," said Diana, her voice unsteady, swallowing back her fear. "But I still--"

"Diana," Lois interrupted, dropping her hands down to the Amazon's hips, and pulling her closer. "It'll be fine. We can't waste our time together worrying about what could happen. That's not how life should work. Whatever bad stuff flies our way, purple haired witches or international crime syndicates, we'll deal with it together."

Releasing a tremulous sigh, Diana buried her face in the crook of Lois' neck, and her hands slipped around Lois' waist, holding her closer yet. Diana's breath was warm and sweet against Lois' skin as she murmured, "I love you."

"After the stunt you just pulled? You better," said Lois sardonically and Diana chuckled, lifting up her head for a kiss.

All of their previous kisses, no matter how passionate, always had some sense of an ending. This one didn't. Perhaps because they knew it wouldn't be the last. That this kiss would lead to others more intense and involved, not just on their lips but on the rest of their bodies, as they made their way to Lois' bedroom, clothes abandoned on their journey.

If put on the spot, Lois had to admit she was still angry at Diana for trying to end their relationship but that anger didn't stop Lois from loving her and wanting her. In fact, in some strange way, it almost intensified those feelings, and Lois fervently pulled Diana to her, pushing her back on the bed, feeling enormously grateful for the fact her outfit was little more than an armored bathing suit and easily removed. By Diana at least. Lois was dressed only in her bra and panties at this point and she unsnapped the bra and flung it across the room before focusing back on Diana who ripped the panties off her body.

"Those were expensive," Lois complained half heartedly and Diana's only response was to kiss her harder.

Ferocious and all consuming, those were her kisses, letting Diana know with each one what she would have missed if she had been able to go through with her stupid plan. Lois' hands were rough on Diana's body, squeezing her breasts and tweaking her nipples, sucking them hard in her mouth as she explored the length of her skin. There was this uncontrollable urge in her to try and mark Diana, to try and own her in this moment, to have a small instance of pure and perfect possession and Lois achieved that as she slid down further and pushed open Diana's thighs.

The initial taste was always best, that's what Lois thought, and Diana was no exception. She was thick and sweet on Lois' tongue and she hiked Diana's legs up, resting them over her shoulders as she settled in. Distantly she felt Diana's fingers lace into her hair, encouraging her on, and Lois flattened her tongue, leaving no area unattended. The pressure increased as Lois sucked on Diana's clit, inserting one then two fingers into the other woman. Diana's hips lifted in encouragement and she soon found her rhythm, thrusting in a frantic pace, only stopping when she heard a scream and felt a tell tale trembling.

Lifting her head and licking her lips, Lois rested her chin on her arms and folded them on Diana's stomach. Diana raised an eyebrow at her, amused at Lois' smugness, before hauling her up the length of the bed and kissing her deeply. Making her intentions to reciprocate fully all too clear.

Three forty three in the morning, Lois noted the time when they finally gave into exhaustion and curled into each other, Lois resting on top of Diana with just a scant amount of sheets covering their naked forms. Diana's fingers lazy sifted through her hair and Lois logically knew she was exhausted but she couldn't sleep. For whatever reason her brain just wouldn't shut off. And what Diana said next didn't help matters.

"I want to take you to Themyscira," said Diana in a soft declaration, her words holding great meaning.

Managing to barely lift her head, Lois blinked at Diana and said slowly, "All right."

"As my chosen partner you must meet my mother," said Diana with determination.

It was with the thought that her future mother-in-law was a near immortal Amazon Queen ruling over a mythological island populated solely with women that Lois grasped how strange and wonderful her life had become since meeting Diana. And honestly, she wouldn't have it any other way.


lois/diana, femslash, comics, fanfic

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