Or at least, that's what I'd like for them to carve in that tree. You know they have to do it, seriously, it's too ridiculously romantic for them to ignore. It must be done. Anyway, yesterday and today's All My Children proves without a doubt that thus far Marissa is the best girlfriend candidate Bianca has ever had.
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Girl wastes no time, first off. She realizes how she feels about Bianca, she magically seeks out and finds Bianca, she confesses to Bianca then she kisses Bianca. A little hesitantly but, well... lets continue onto today's show, shall we?
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Not to give play by play kissing analysis like this is the lesbian superbowl or something but I sort of cracked up at Bianca's hand wavering and unsureness of where to put it and I mean, if you ask me, Marissa is totally trying to ramp up the kiss but Bianca just won't let her then she pulls away. I get where Bianca is coming from but if you ask me, Marissa clearly wanted more serious action there.
But Marissa's awesomeness continues. She confesses EVEN MORE to Bianca in completely and devastatingly honest romantic terms how much Bianca means to her. You're that song? Oh lord. The romance. I love it. Why is it so great? Then her teary eyes as she says Bianca is hurting her by walking away and Bianca's crying too and augh... I swear, they must continue on as a couple on the web series version. I will cry unfathomable tears of sadness if I cannot continue to watch them as a couple.
Bianca runs off, has drinks with the best big sister ever, is cute, and Marissa is left to deal with Scott who, imho, is acting just as douchey as JR about Bianca. "She has a thing for you"? Ugh. Bite me Scott. I guess this actor was on Guiding Light and had something to do with Otalia because people on AE refer to him as the "lesbian whisperer" but to be frank, I find Scott to have just as many misogynistic tendencies as JR. He's just more subtle than JR who was spouting about Bianca's "man hate" yesterday. Anyway. JR walks in and starts rambling on about Scott and boom! Marissa isn't content to just be fucking awesome and decisive about telling Bianca how she feels, she goes for it with JR too.
"I don't want you and I don't want Scott. I want Bianca."
Then in walks Bianca and fucking-a people, that's the end of the show.
I love this so much. It's drenched in pure soap drama and it's delicious and Marissa is so clear about what and who she wants and she's being completely honest with everyone. Bianca has really never had that. Someone who outright wants her, is honest about wanting her, and goes after her full speed. There's always some waffling and some issue and maybe we had clear love/romance with Bianca and Reese but Reese kept things from Bianca and I just can't see Marissa ever lying to Bianca. She's just not that way. She doesn't even lie to herself. She had, what, one or two days to think about things and soon as she figured it out she just went for it. No angsting, no waffling, no fear, she just went for it.
And when it comes to the fear, Marissa has said she has no fear because her feelings for Bianca give her strength and bravery and I love them so much. They must be together forever and be the cornerstone couple of the show who just have external conflicts to add drama rather than break up/make up dramas soaps usually use. They can have a ton of conflict from JR/AJ and then Dr. David being Dr. David and Erica's kidnapping then KWAK in her part with the babyswitch and you know, you could bring in stuff like medical problems but have external conflict and keep them together because they are the best couple.
Tomorrow should be epic. JR will not take this well and Bianca has been known to get fiesty when she needs to, as well as snarky. I mean, that experiment in college and Katy Perry line today was fairly snarky/mean and that's to the woman she loves. She could definitely get harsher with JR. Plus Marissa is no wilting flower since the recast. I squee so hard you guys. I love my soaps.