I have really nice friends who live all over the place and some of them I've received belated birthday presents from and they're just kick ass and made me laugh when they arrived this week so I had to post about them.
First, Teh Sexay aka
indigo_veil, thank you! lol. You got me Tramp Stamp Barbie. For those who forgot here's a pix of the Barbie in question:
You can put stick on tattoos all over her including in the traditional tramp stamp place on the small of her back. Nice. lol. I asked for this as a joke on my Livejournal but I never expected to get it. Especially after my local friends gave me repeating copies of Twilight.
My friends Jake and Rachel, who don't have Livejournals those Facebook loving so and so's (I tease because I love), got me some fairly hilarious gifts. I was sick a week or so ago and somehow ended up watching the Sex And The City movie which sort of embarrassed me in how much my illness addled brain was entertained by it. I actively avoided it the entire time the show was on television because I thought it tended to warp women's minds in a way too hardcore fangirl squee factor that bugged me. That being said, I admitted sheepishly I thought Charlotte was cute to him and I'd like to watch the show. So what does he do? He goes out and buys the complete series for me which comes in like... a weird pink velvet book with pictures and shit you can flip through. Jake!! Epic. Thank you.
Rachel bought me the bad romantic novel I was obsessing over, Knight Moves, and also a few truly awesome lesbian pulp novels by Ann Bannon including Journey To A Woman and Woman In The Shadows. Rachel!!! I might love you most of all and I don't just say that because we used to date and only broke up because you moved away to NYC. lol. Seriously. These books are so great. Thanks so much.
All of my birthday presents were really great but they always are. I love my friends just for the fact they know it's weird little things like buying me Tramp Stamp Barbie or goofy socks I love to wear or lesbian pulp novels that make me happy. It's just nice to know people somehow get what you would love the most for a random gift, you know?