Fanfic Update! Crazy Little Things: Fifteen (Hermione/Luna)

Jul 21, 2008 21:51

SERIES: Harry Potter
AUTHOR: dreiser
YAHOO ID: dreiser7
AIM ID: dreiser3
CONTENT: F/F romance. Hermione/Luna.
SUMMARY: Little by little, in her own unusual way, Luna Lovegood begins to romance Hermione Granger.
DISCLAIMER: I own nothing but my hatred of hot and humid weather. Stupid Midwest summers.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: Ron isn't a bad guy. Neither is Ginny. Or Harry. Or even Molly no matter how much her kids fear her supposed vengeful wrath. Voldemort, however, remains a wanker.

Crazy Little Things

By: Dreiser

Luna's couch wasn't terribly attractive. In fact, it rather reminded Hermione of a large dead animal due to its shape and size. Despite its lumpy and less than beautiful appearance it was immensely comfortable, enough that they found themselves settled on it this late Sunday morning. They were taking a rest after finishing the large breakfast that Luna had prepared.

The blonde had her head resting on Hermione's lap, arms extended, concentrating on the upside down copy of The Quibbler that she held aloft. Every few minutes she would remove the quill she kept under her nose, causing it to look something like a funny feathery mustache, and fill in a newly discovered word in the Sunday crossword puzzle. A puzzle she declared to be the most difficult because the puzzles that were published on the other days of the week didn't occur at a time people were at their naturally laziest in both body and mind. While Hermione herself considered the puzzle to be a challenge simply because she couldn't understand any of the word hints unless Luna explained them to her in often fairly complex and migraine inducing detail.

Threading her fingers though Luna's hair, Hermione gently scratched the younger girl's scalp in an absent gesture of affection as she read the Sunday edition of the Daily Prophet. "The Ministry is considering lifting the ban on the import of flying carpets," Hermione remarked with great interest. Her loathing of flying on brooms was known by even casual acquaintances and she often wished she had the legal access to purchase a flying carpet which seemed a far safer and more stable mode of transportation.

"Persian carpets are the most reliable, particularly those woven on vertical looms," said Luna, peering up at Hermione. "They do become ever so dusty after a long flight though. I always thought it cruel," she murmured, a look of genuine concern on her features as she met the older girl's gaze. "How often they are beaten just to be kept clean."

"Then I'll simply cast a cleaning spell," replied Hermione, thoroughly charmed by Luna's revelation. She tenderly pushed a lock of hair out of Luna's eyes before settling her hand once again in the blonde's hair, softly caressing her scalp. "That would be considerably kinder, wouldn't you agree?"

"I'm sure the rug would appreciate it," said Luna solemnly, causing Hermione to chuckle. The blonde returned her attention to the most difficult of crossword puzzles then said, "What is a nine letter word ending with a d that relates to adventuresome bells in New Guinea?" Hermione's face contracted in an adorable look of concentration as she wracked her brain for the answer. Luna in the meantime lightly stroked her forehead with the feather of her quill, as if to tickle her brain into submission. After a few moments, her face lit up in a wide smile and she cried out, "Of course! Lethifold!"

Searching her memories of the creature and frowning at the obscure nature of the hint and its strange phrasing, Hermione questioned, "You're positive that clue refers to the creature that Flavius Belby discovered in Papua New Guinea in 1782?"

"Oh yes," Luna nodded emphatically, beaming happily. "Erwin likes to write little riddles, he finds it entertaining."

Releasing a thoughtful but somewhat skeptical murmur at this, Hermione commented, "Hagrid spoke of Lethifolds once. He was friends with one of their keepers at the Center for Magizoology in London and was considering taking our class on a trip to see them. This was before that awful business with Buckbeak. Afterwards we were rather stuck on Flobberworms for the rest of the term."

"I know, I read your report," said Luna teasingly, causing Hermione to scowl in false irritation. An expression that instantly disappeared when Luna gently tugged her down for a kiss. When they parted she wore a longing expression as she cupped the brunette's cheek, her thumb moving in small caressing circles. "Even then you were so serious. I found it immensely charming though I wonder if you ever realized."

Her cheeks hot, Hermione lowered her eyes, avoiding Luna's gaze as she murmured with a hint of embarrassment, "I hadn't the slightest idea." Drawing her gaze back to Luna, struck with the need to look the younger girl in the eyes as she said this, Hermione continued, "I wish I had been closer to you then. I wasn't terribly patient in those days. Not with you, not with anything, in fact."

"Ginny was very patient with me," said Luna wistfully, a fond expression forming on her features as she thought of her friend. "Even when she was distressed over Harry in those dark times during the war she was patient."

Studying the look of pure affection Luna wore as she thought of the youngest Weasley and possessed more by curiosity than a sense of jealousy, Hermione said, "Did you and Ginny ever…" She trailed off, a deep blush covering her cheeks when Luna looked at her expectantly. Swallowing hard, Hermione nervously met Luna's eyes but averted them as she said, "Never mind. You needn't answer."

"Ginny is dear to me, she was my first real friend at Hogwarts," said Luna softly, her hand lifting slowly to entwine her fingers in Hermione's curly hair, pulling the brunette down for a kiss. It was sweet and light and loving, Luna's lips were soft as pillows as they touched Hermione's but they moved with a firm knowing, taking what they wanted and giving exactly Hermione what she needed. "But Hermione has my heart." A mischievous looks emerged in blue eyes as she added, "And perhaps a bit of my brains as well. Which is why you should help me finish this puzzle. It's your responsibility."

"Obligated am I?" asked Hermione with dry humor, lifting an eyebrow. Luna gave a small and playful nod and Hermione feigned annoyance, rolling her eyes and heaving a sigh as she said, "I suppose I'll have to help. What impossible hint do you have for me?"

"Five letter word for a big biting bug brings boo hoo blues begins with a b," said Luna with a good deal of consternation. She nibbled on her quill and looked at Hermione with wide hopeful eyes, obviously wanting the older girl to supply her with the answer.

"You must be having fun with me," insisted Hermione, leaning down to peer at the upside down Quibbler so she could read the hint for herself. She sighed heavily when she saw the exact same words that Luna had just spoken. Arching an eyebrow, she said sardonically, "I'm starting to think that Erwin finds creating migraines entertaining, Luna. His puzzle hints surely accomplish that."

"Brula!" exclaimed Luna suddenly, scribbling the word down while Hermione blinked. Looking up at her perplexed companion after she finished filling in the latest piece of the puzzle, she said, "It's a fantastically rare disease only found in Hungary. Rather like Scrofungulus except it tends to turn those who contract it a most brilliant shade of blue."

"My half of your brain doesn't seem to be working properly," Hermione complained, becoming irritated with her inability to solve any of the clues that Luna presented. "Or perhaps this puzzle is simply impossible because it contains information not yet available in textbooks." She noticed blue eyes studying her with a careful gaze and she raised an eyebrow in speculation. "What is it?"

"Hermione dislikes not having the correct responses," murmured Luna in a calm observation.

Blinking at this, Hermione wasn't sure if this was meant to be something negative and she said, "I suppose that's true." Unable to help herself, she bristled slightly and continued, "I think it's perfectly reasonable for me to feel that way."

"No one can have all the answers," said Luna quietly, her tones wise as she wrapped a lock of Hermione's hair around her finger.

"That doesn't mean I shouldn't try to learn as much as I can," Hermione replied stubbornly, her jaw setting at a determined angle.

"Of course," Luna agreed as she sat up, gently taking hold of the Daily Prophet in Hermione's hands and setting it on the coffee table along with her copy of The Quibbler and her quill. "To do otherwise wouldn't be like Hermione in the least." She turned back to Hermione, a warm smile on her features. "It is just one reason why I care for Hermione so very much."

"Oh?" said Hermione, whatever anger or irritation she felt left her immediately. A smile quirked on her lips and her eyes sparkled with amusement. She reached for Luna and in an easy movement she pulled the blonde onto her lap. Luna laughed in pleasure, enjoying her new perch stupendously as she returned Hermione's smile, resting her forehead against the brunette's. "What are the other reasons?"

"Showing is preferable to telling," Luna whispered before she lowered her head to meet their lips in a kiss.

Kissing could become quite addictive, Hermione knew that well from her youthful days with Ron but she didn't know it could come in so many forms. Ron's kisses were much like the redhead himself, passionate and eager, sweeping Hermione up in his desire and carrying her along. Luna's kisses could be just as passionate but they were also sweet and tender, opening her up in a gentle exploration. They were also playful and light, a teasing reveal of emotion, pulling Hermione out of any serious mood and causing a smile to form on her lips. Then there were the lazy kisses, coming slow like honey, Luna drinking from her like she was a fine wine to be appreciated. Kisses like the one she was currently receiving, lush and loving, an unfettered expression on Luna's part, telling Hermione with every nibble, suck, and tug how much the blonde cared for her. Those kisses always served to overwhelm Hermione, leaving her dazed and breathing heavy but feeling incredibly loved.

This was no different and when they parted, Hermione was flushed, her breath coming slow and deep, her hands shaky as they went around Luna to pull the blonde into a close embrace. She shuddered on feeling the soft press of Luna's lips on the top of her head. They soon moved lower, kissing her cheek tenderly then Luna whispered in her ear, "That was another reason."

In the back of her mind Hermione realized Luna hadn't really answered her question but she found it didn't bother her terribly. At least not as much as the question she was soon voicing in nothing more than a whisper as she hid her face in the curve of Luna's neck. Breathing in the scent of raspberries and chocolate the blonde carried with her, Hermione murmured, "When did you know?" When gentle blue eyes moved their attention to her, she added in something of a mumble, "How you felt for me, that is."

A whisper soft touch graced Hermione's chin lifting it until Hermione met Luna's gaze. "The library," she replied, a dreamy look on her features, looking very much like she was lost in the memory of that time. A moment passed and Luna focused her attention back on Hermione, her fingertips soft and cool on Hermione's skin as she lightly traced her fingers down the brunette's cheek. As if she meant to memorize the contours of the older girl's face with her touch. "That was when I knew our smells were right." A combined look of confusion and intrigue crossed Hermione's features. She started to question Luna on this statement when the younger girl smiled sweetly and asked, "And Hermione, when did she realize?"

"In Corfu," said Hermione, a wisp of a smile forming as she recalled their time on the island. "After we kissed."

"I quite fancy the idea of being involved in a life altering kiss," Luna remarked with a playful smile as she curled a lock of Hermione's hair around her index finger. She chuckled at the slight scowl Hermione wore and she leaned down to nuzzle their noses together. "Hermione is simply adorable when she pouts."

"I'm not pouting," Hermione insisted, her scowl deepening. "In fact, I would say I am quite justified in my--"

Before the brunette could continue, Luna moved forward swiftly capturing Hermione's lips in a kiss. Moaning low and sweet as Luna's tongue slipped into her mouth, tasting deep, sucking on her tongue luxuriously. They continued kissing as Hermione slid her hands beneath Luna's worn blue t-shirt that sported the logo of a dragon sanctuary for Swedish Short-Snouts located in Harjedalen, Sweden. The younger girl's skin was blissfully cool and smooth to her touch. Hermione thought the sensation of touching it to be entirely similar to the feel of expensive silk. Except Luna wasn't cloth on display at a sewing shop, she was a person. Real, live, and breathing, no, gasping as Hermione's hands moved upwards, past her flat stomach to cup her breasts.

Things were progressing too quick, the logical part of Hermione knew that. It had only been two days since she broke up with Ron but it seemed much longer. The distance between them, the change from lovers to friends had been occurring for so long it felt like their romance ended years ago. Not that this explained the sudden and almost frightening rush of emotions Hermione experienced towards Luna. In a way it felt like her adolescence again. When everything happened in such a confusing rush, far too fast for her to properly process or understand. Although she had to wonder if she really wanted to place her usual staid methodology to her feelings for Luna. Right now they were a wonderful mystery, much like the blonde herself, bringing a much needed joy and effervescence to her life. Understanding them seemed like a betrayal, ruining the first real unexplained magic Hermione had experienced since she was a small child.

Despite all these worries, Hermione's touch was firm but gentle. Her hands knowing what her body wanted and her heart desired even if her mind did not. Luna surged into her embrace, pulling away from Hermione's kiss with a gasp, straddling the brunette's lap rather than sitting on it. The younger girl tangled her left hand in Hermione's hair while her right traveled downwards, beneath the waistband of her pants, slipping under her panties as her fingers teased the sensitive skin, tracing a delicate pattern, their movements coy, as if to give Hermione the tiniest taste of what was to come, causing her to shiver as a shot of pure desire went through her.

"I want to feel you," Luna said, her light and dreamy voice suddenly gaining a dangerously sensual focus. Hermione wondered desperately how Luna could sound so very calm in a moment like this. Before she could give an undoubtedly strangled response, Luna buried her face in the crook of Hermione's neck, nuzzling her skin in a gesture of affection. "But what does Hermione want?"

Hermione knew what she wanted but whether or not it was what she ought to do she hadn't determined. She was still trying to work this out in her mind all while doing her level best to control her breathing as Luna's right hand remained firmly in place, lightly caressing her, causing a painful throb to emerge in her groin. That was when a loud hoot sounded and their attention turned to the figure of a large Great Horned Owl flying through the open windows of the cottage. It was a warm day and Luna left them open so Bishamon could take a trip if he felt the need. Something the Japanese Wood Pigeon had neglected to do all day and now appeared to regret as he observed the much larger bird that had invaded his territory.

The owl settled itself on the couch, perching next to Hermione and offering its right leg to Luna who, in turn, reluctantly removed her right hand from where it had been comfortably nestled beneath the brunette's panties. Luna carefully untied the piece of parchment that was tied to the owl's leg. "Thank you, Ms. Owl," she said politely, meeting the owl's eyes, smiling when it fluffed up in appreciation.

"Wigburg is her name," Hermione corrected in a bare whisper. When Luna turned to her with a look of confusion she offered a weak smile. "It's Harry's owl. Ginny got her as a present for him last Christmas."

"Is that so?" asked Luna, keeping her attention on the owl and carefully stroking her forehead. "Ginny has wonderful taste then. She's very handsome." Wigburg, as if sensing this complement, rubbed her head into Luna's touch in a friendly gesture before flying away. Luna turned her attention to the piece of parchment that made Hermione so nervous. She unrolled it, glancing over the words before she lifted her gaze to meet the brunette's anxious expression. "It's from Ginny. Shall I read it to you?"

"Yes," said Hermione, her voice thick with worry.

Setting the parchment down on her lap, Luna looked concerned as she held Hermione's face in her hands. Her fingers moved in a feathery caress, trying to soothe her as she said gently, "Please don't be anxious. Ginny is our friend, not something we should be afraid of. Nothing at all like the Snarling Snarvle. They have terrible tempers and consider wizard eyeballs to be a most scrumptious delicacy."

"What if she's angry?" asked Hermione. She had seen Ginny angry only twice in her life but they were not experiences she wished to have again. Though Ginny was normally a carefree spirit she seemed to have inherited her mother's unique and frightening wrath.

"Everyone becomes angry, it's whether or not they choose to remain that way which matters," Luna replied. When Hermione looked at her doubtfully but with a glimmer of hope all the same, she continued, "I don't believe Ginny is someone who would spend her time focused on such things. Not when she could be playing with Harry or Quidditch."

Blushing despite herself, Hermione nodded and her head fell forward to rest against Luna's collarbone. Breathing in the younger girl's scent and feeling herself beginning to calm, she said, "Read it."

Luna and Hermione,

You've been in hiding bloody well long enough. Meet me for lunch at Beelzebub's Bistro at noon tomorrow, we have some things to talk about. Don't be late and don't make excuses that you simply cannot make it. I do know magic and happen to live with a most accomplished Auror, I think that gives me something of an advantage in getting people in the places I want them to be.


They sat in silence for a moment as a dumbfounded Hermione tried to interpret the letter's tone. It sounded like the same Ginny she had always known, sardonic but playful and funny at the same time. Maybe Luna was right and this wasn't something to worry over. She turned to Luna to voice this opinion when she found herself caught by caring blue eyes, warm and shining with affection.

"Do you see?" said Luna in fond tones as she pushed a lock of hair from Hermione's eyes. "There's no need to worry." A twinkle emerged in her eyes as she added rather mischievously, "I promise to protect you from Ginny, even she brings a Beater's bat with her."

A droll look on her features, Hermione tried to contain her amusement on hearing this but simply couldn't. It came bubbling out in the form of a chuckle as she moved upwards to kiss the blonde tenderly as she murmured, "My hero."


Hermione had faced the Dark Lord himself, though with Harry and Ron at her side, and yet she had never felt more anxious then she did right this instant, waiting for Ginny's arrival with Luna at Beelzebub's Bistro. She bounced her legs for the 1,293rd consecutive time when Luna gently pressed her hands down on them, effectively stilling the movement. When Hermione turned to the blonde, her eyes wide, nervousness reflected in them as well as a bit of confusion as she hadn't even noticed her own leg bouncing.

"You needn't worry," Luna soothed, her voice light and lyrical. "It's only Ginny and I did promise to protect you." Giving a weak smile as she recalled the younger girl's words, the anxiety didn't lessen one bit for Hermione. Seeing this, Luna sighed softly, lifting her right hand up to slide behind Hermione's neck, her fingertips playing on the brunette's skin before tangling in curly hair. Luna's left hand remained firmly in place on Hermione's thigh as she leaned forward, her lips a breath way from Hermione's as she murmured, a teasing lilt in her tones, "Perhaps I should help Hermione relax?"

Gazing into Luna's eyes that twinkled playfully but held an unmistakable shine of desire, Hermione suddenly found herself without the ability to speak. This wasn't a problem that Ginny was experiencing as she chose right that moment to make her appearance at the booth they sat in.

"You're revoltingly cute, the both of you," Ginny remarked, announcing her presence with these words and the loud sigh of relief she released as she settled herself across from the couple in their booth. "Now I know why George was always badgering Harry and I."

"Ginny," Hermione said her name nervously, with something of a squeak. She tried, with little success, to subtly remove Luna's hand from her hair. Eventually she resigned herself to shooting the blonde a look of irritation which caused Luna give in, dropping her hand down to hold Hermione's. "I didn't see you arrive."

"I wager you were too preoccupied with Luna to notice," said Ginny drolly. Before Hermione could reply, she raised her arm, waving her hand about as she called out to a passing waiter who froze in excited recognition when he saw her. "Bring us a pitcher of Merlin's Best, would you?" When he quickly scurried off Ginny wore a look of great satisfaction then turned her attention back to her companions. "I'm not supposed to drink," she confessed, leaning across the table slightly. "Coach has become something strict after Mildred was caught on a bender by the Daily Prophet after she failed to catch the snitch three matches in a row. Harry's mad about Coach's training methods, says my playing has improved immensely under him, which of course it has, but that means he's stuck in Coach's pocket and I can't have the smallest sip of beer at home. It's been rather miserable." Ginny suddenly formed a look of slight panic and asked them, her words entirely rushed, "You won't tell him I've had a drink, will you?"

"Of course not," Luna assured serenely while Hermione blinked, looking rather dumbfounded by the redhead. "Ginny," the younger girl continued, saying her name gently to draw the other girl's attention away from the bar and their beer and back onto them. "I believe Hermione might have a question for you."

Shooting Luna a look of gratitude, Hermione swallowed the lump in her throat and said, "You aren't angry?"

"Angry?" repeated Ginny, a small frown forming on her brow. "About what?"

"About Luna and I having a romantic relationship, my breaking up with Ron, about the situation as a whole," Hermione rambled on nervously.

Staring at Hermione for a long moment, Ginny began to reply but was distracted by their pitcher of beer arriving and the waiter asking for her autograph as well as her predictions on the Harpies chances for the rest of the season. When he had left and she had taken a long and pleasurable drink of her beer, Ginny looked at Hermione steadily and said, "It isn't my place to get angry. If anyone has that right it's Ron and yes, he was depressed for a bit, as anyone would be, but he wasn't angry, not in the least. If he isn't angry then I don't think I should be. Not that I really would be angry if he was but I'd go along out of family loyalty or some such nonsense, it's an illogical trait we Weasley's have inherited I'm afraid, being angry for the sake of our relatives."

"I think it's lovely," said Luna warmly.

"Why thank you, Luna," Ginny chuckled, taking another sip of her beer. She set it down with an audible clunk, waking Hermione from the daze she found herself in after hearing the Quidditch player's words. "Honestly, Hermione," Ginny said, her voice laced with humor. "What must I say to convince you I'm not angry? I suppose I should admit to be being altogether baffled when Ron told me of you two, that's why I asked you to come out of hiding, I wanted to see it for myself. Seeing is believing and all that. I did mean what I said, you're revoltingly cute together. Unexpected, but revoltingly cute."

"Thank you," said Hermione faintly, the dazed feeling staying with her.

"I ought to warn you though," said Ginny, a touch of worry and a tad of wry humor in her voice. "Watch out for Mum. She had you pegged for the perfect daughter-in-law and now you've gone and shattered all her carefully placed plans. I was hoping she'd force her old wedding dress onto you but I reckon I'm the one getting stuck these days. We haven't even set a date yet and she's already pestering me about grandchildren." A peevish expression on her face, Ginny finished off her beer before lifting the pitcher and pouring herself another glass. "I had been counting on you and Ron to occupy her grandchildren fixation but you've split and you know Fleur has been batty, claiming she still doesn't have her figure back from Victoire, which means she's a dead end for grandchildren currently and Mum is smart enough to realize you can't count on George and Angelina for anything. With you and Ron out of the running that means she's going to be locked onto me and Harry." Ginny released a withering sigh. "I want to win the League cup at least twice before Harry and I have our first."

Her daze finally ending, Hermione couldn't help but smile as she murmured, "Ron told me much the same. In terms of your mother, I mean."

"That's smart of him," said Ginny. "Though anyone who knows Mum realizes how much she covets the idea of more grandkids to spoil rotten." Taking another drink of her beer, Ginny wore an impish grin as she focused on Luna. "You're going be quite the temporary enemy in her eyes, Luna, whisking poor Hermione away from her little Ronnie. She was our last hope for producing a smart Weasley, after all. You've crushed all our family hopes and dreams."

"Nonsense," dismissed Luna strongly. "You have Charlie."

"Rotter," Ginny laughed in playful accusation. Looking to Hermione, she questioned, "How did you ever get yourself involved with this one, Hermione?"

There was a teasing tone to her inquiry but a genuine curiosity as well and feeling that she did owe something of an explanation to Ginny, if only for being such a very understanding friend and former potential sister-in-law, Hermione replied, "I'm not quite sure. We began spending more and more time together on campus then through our work with Professor Ipson and I'm positive it happened very slowly but it seemed so fast," Hermione trailed off, lost to explain how her feelings for Luna had developed. Turning her attention to the blonde, she was met with a soft and sweet smile, and seeing it, she found herself saying quite without realizing it, "It wasn't something I could control. The first thing, I think."

"And you?" asked Ginny, focusing on Luna.

"I've always known we've smelled right," revealed Luna sounding entirely dreamy, her words causing Hermione to look at her with a good deal of surprise. Something that Ginny took note of as the blonde then quietly excused herself to visit the lavatory.

They were silent for several moments then Ginny became serious in both her expression and voice as she murmured, "I thought it was a lark at first, when Ron told me about you two. I couldn't see how it could possibly be true and if it was I didn't know why Luna wouldn't tell me as I knew so much about her and Katie. Seeing you with her though… it makes me think I only knew about Katie because perhaps she didn't take it quite as seriously. Hermione," Ginny said her name soft and solemn, ensuring she had the older girl's complete attention. "The things that really matter to her, she keeps them close. Don't let yourself be fooled into thinking things are exactly as they seem with Luna because that's nothing close to how it actually is. She hides to keep herself safe."

"I'll treat her well, Ginny," said Hermione in a quiet promise, instincts telling her what the redhead was really saying. "I swear it."

"Good," replied Ginny who looked relieved and pleased to hear this. "Because something tells me that she's been waiting for this chance with you for some time and I would hate to see you ruin it." These last words were said with wry humor but Hermione could still hear the warning behind them and she nodded her head before looking to the figure of Luna who was walking towards them.

"So would I," Hermione whispered, more to herself than Ginny, moving to accept Luna's hand and pull her into the booth as she arrived. Gazing into kind blue eyes, shining with affection, she realized what a gross understatement those words really were.

Unfortunately there was nothing else she could say.

To be continued...

hermione/luna, harry potter, fanfic

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