Title: You'll never know unless you try
Fandom: Murder Call
Characters: Tessa Vance, Steve Hayden, Dee Suzeraine, Lance Fisk, Imogen "Tootsie" Soames
Prompt: 080. Why?
Word Count: 5250
Rating: PG-13 (T)
Summary: How many times hadn’t she wanted to buck up and capture those lips of his, just to try it out, to see if what she felt was real? Not
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As for Dee, she just kinda jumped into my head at that point in the story because I felt like ending with "Steve smiled and kissed her again" was too...plain maybe? Or unresolved? And so the rest of the story was born, complete with neurotic Tessa, confused Steve and the eventual confrontation. :P It was sheer joy writing Dee, though! For some reason, I can't see her being able to *not* let her delight shine through even if she's trying to preserve someone's privacy. LOL.
Hmm, the betting pool might be a nice follow-up... Gotta think of how I'd write that first, though. Maybe Tessa and Steve getting a long lecture from Fisk in his lab, and Dee comes storming in waving cash around, demanding he pay up too. I can just picture Fisk stuttering in awkwardness and try to deny his involvement in the whole thing, with Dee revealing bits and pieces of comments he'd uttered (in confidence, of course). And then the whole thing could end with Tessa and Steve not showing any surprise and instead just accepting a cut of Dee's winning, before awkwardly leaving the lab and Dee wondering what kind of date they'd spend that money on. (Aww man, now I've done it. It won't be a surprise anymore if I wrote this. :P)
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