Title: Having You
Fandom: Murder Call
Characters: Tessa Vance, Steve Hayden
Prompt: 004. Insides
Word Count: 1949
Rating: Mature (R)
Summary: After the events of “Dead Offerings” and their mutual revelations, things go straight to the gutter. Sequel to
Losing You and
Gaining You. (This one's for
tempe_brennandr, who kind of requested it. I wasn't difficult to ask
Read more... )
Anyway. I love the mundane and I don't think we get to see enough of it. Television and films today are in such a hurry, with the exception of some cable shows, and we barely get to delve deeper into stuff before the plot has skipped ahead. That's one of the reasons why I love Westworld - it takes it time and does it so incredibly well. Everything's thought-out and planned carefully, and each episode builds upon another, and there's plenty of moments for introspection and reflection on things that are more complex. So if you like sci-fi and "questions of life" sort of stuff, I recommend that show. :)
I know!! I think it's completely weird too! But apparently, that's how things are for many young Norwegians today... Of course, it's probably a generalisation, but it's certainly safe to say that Norwegians have a completely different drinking culture than in many other countries. We don't go out after work to have a single beer or two and then head home. Not everyone have a drink when they get home, either. Instead, we usually "save it up" for Fridays and Saturdays. Then we gather for vorspiel (drinking at someone's home) before heading to the bars and pubs, and maybe even end with a nachspiel (drinking at someone's home after a night on town). In a word, Norwegians tend to drink a lot in one (or two) nights rather than spread it out during the week. And I think that's why some relationships start out as one night stands - because they're so tipsy and/or drunk when they meet. :P
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