Title: Having You
Fandom: Murder Call
Characters: Tessa Vance, Steve Hayden
Prompt: 004. Insides
Word Count: 1949
Rating: Mature (R)
Summary: After the events of “Dead Offerings” and their mutual revelations, things go straight to the gutter. Sequel to
Losing You and
Gaining You. (This one's for
tempe_brennandr, who kind of requested it. I wasn't difficult to ask
Read more... )
Yep, I know what you mean. I read through that "God Shield the Flock" or whatever my case-fic was called, and I found that I could probably tweak it a little to make it better, i.e. to make Steve less of a jackass and more of a "shit-we-crossed-a-line-what-do-we-do-about-it-now" tension. So, basically, just remove the whole side story with Tessa's ectopic pregnancy and do a different spin on it to explain the tension between them. I'd also add some flashback scenes to better understand what the hell is going on between them. Meh, we'll see if I ever get to that. I've also got that "Absent Friends" follow-up to my "Still Life" rewrite that I haven't been able to finish yet. *sigh* Once these mock exams are done, maybe I'll have time to focus on the larger fics... For now, I'm resorting to oneshots. :)
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