The entryside down

Jan 26, 2006 07:56

Writing to you from homely Kentucky, where the ponds are frozen and my toes are too. I flew into Nashville yesterday, the 25th, where I was warmly and promptly recieved. We spent the next hour or so looking for a theater I had printed off incorrect directions to, and after much running around, finally ended up taking directions to a different theater which happened to be in the OpryMills mall. So we went and saw Brokeback Mountain together, a momentous occasion for the both of us considering we don't get out to movies very often. But we got to see this one together. Hoping to all the others who are doing new and different things that they are enjoying them at least half as much as I am, and that would be just grand. My stay so far is directed to looking at housing, which I will do more of today. Bill's son Adam has a girlfriend in Paducah that I might be able to speak with and maybe even look around the town with. She's a real cutie from the pictures I've seen. I'm heading down to the goats this morning, we got in too late last night to do much down there. Time's a little short so I must be off and running.
Shall I compare thee to a summers day?
I'd have to say, it is definately winter here. But they keep me warm and full of hot chocolate and hugs.
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