The tickets

Sep 23, 2005 02:42

I can't really explain why I did what I did today. It started off with some calm browsing, looking for something better and manageable... a car for transportation in the future. Wonderful freedom in some ways, in exchange for bindings in other ways. It proceeded to a night of dining and movies with Catie and her little brother, along with my little sister.
But then something needed to be done. Someone far away was in a desparate situation. A dog needed to be delivered to keep a family fed, and my very own dear Bill was at wits end and out of options. Prices had skyrocketed (around $700 a ticket) after midnight to NYC, and he was at a limit on his credit card. So I stepped in. I made a sacrifice. It's hard to weigh a month's work against something you may never see the repercussions of, but I happened to stumble across something in taking that responsibility upon myself- I found a fortunate situation in which I was able to get the tickets for the same days for more than half that price... a fortunate find. Researching the tickets allowed him time to take care of things aside from the computer that needed to be done.
I'm currently working on a design for a logo or two for Bill's company- Rainbow's End Showdogs, depicting a rainbow pouring into a pot of gold with a french bulldog poking his head over the rim.
Fall's chilly nights are encroaching on the valley, and I dread the return of the hampering cold. Perhaps I will take my vacation to Florida once the snow arrives.
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