Blog! And a few pics...

Dec 22, 2008 19:36

Jack has a new entry and...

OMG BB! :D From now on, you're Ms Bandita! :D

Now why the hell didn't I wish him a merry christmas? Why? XD

Yes, yes, he's awesome

Yes, you people deserve a mini picspam now...

omgomgomg I hate myself now!!!! )

picspam, jack coleman, blog, image, link

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Comments 20

anythingshedoes December 22 2008, 17:53:35 UTC
Hey.... Those aren't HRG's! But he still looks hot! (Though I like the HRG's better!)



dref22 December 22 2008, 18:09:40 UTC
OMG I know! I always want him to wear HRGs! But nooooo, he prefers horn rimmed contact lenses! XD


butterflybandit December 22 2008, 20:15:46 UTC

*does her happy dance*

*considers unleashing her alter ego tonight (Fay will know what this means)*


dref22 December 22 2008, 20:27:00 UTC
*considers unleashing her alter ego tonight (Fay will know what this means)*

Ummm..Yes, Fay dref22 thinks she knows what this means...

Fay says:

... )


la_dame_du_lac December 22 2008, 20:37:27 UTC
OMG READING GLASSES! *purr*purr*purr*
I like those so much better than the horn rimmed ones, I've got to say.

Please Jack read to me, I was good this year, *I* didn't paste porny teddy bears to pictures of you. ;-pppp


dref22 December 22 2008, 20:48:23 UTC
I like those so much better than the horn rimmed ones, I've got to say.


Wait, what? I thought posting porny teddy bears to pictures of Jack was a GOOD thing???? NO????? OMG Jack, I'm your biggest fan evaaaa!!! (Well maybe the second biggest fan)

Do not listen to her!!! XDDDD


la_dame_du_lac December 22 2008, 22:00:27 UTC
What? He's cuter without them, what can I say. It's easier to admire his puppydog eyes. :D

Well it's a good thing for pervy fans, but somehow I get the impression that if he saw that he'd run away screaming into the night. Maybe.

... okay maybe not, in which case he'd be much pervier than I'd expect! XD


dref22 December 22 2008, 22:18:10 UTC
OK, I forgive you, he has puppy eyes and it's OK to admire them...but omg...the HRGs....*sigh* XD

In my mind he's the perviest (is there such a word?) actor in the business!! OMG, he is, isn't he? I mean, who can look this HOT wearing cold war glasses? XD


elizzybright December 22 2008, 21:28:25 UTC
Hey! He updated the blog! ;) nothing new till February :(, which makes complete sense...

What will we do till then? I suppose that making polls, publishing AWESOME phothos like those (agan thanks), finding news if possible, writing fanfics, or playing with bears will be our work ;)


dref22 December 22 2008, 21:43:43 UTC
What what what? He said this would be his last post for 2008! OMG, are we sure that he won't post anything before February??? OMG....I hope not!

Oh, I don't know how I'll find new pics!! My eyes are sour of intensive searching! XD

OMG we must find new poll and bear ideas...:D


elizzybright December 22 2008, 21:53:07 UTC
I am not sure, but I suppose that he will post when Fugitives starts and if we are lucky, because he doesn't post every week :(

I can help you to find pics, I suppose there must be something I can do (I will send you a private message).

About poll and bears, I leave it to you...I could write a fanfic, but I am so lazy with English...XD, the truth is that I think it would be good...but, I AM LAZY!


dref22 December 22 2008, 21:59:34 UTC
OMG, I forbid you to be lazy now! You believe you can write and you choose not to? Not cool missy, not cool! XD

Yes, aaww Jack, why don't you update it more? :(

Oh, I only have a few Steven pics but soon I have to find more! XD So I'd be SO glad if you show me the way to more pics. :D

Yes, yes, the bears are my responsibility...:P


ridley1013 December 23 2008, 04:10:49 UTC
I figured no more blog until after the New Year so this was a nice surprise! :)

Stubble pic = yummy!

I like the reading glasses, even if they aren't HRGs.

And I don't know what the heck that yellow thing is on him but I can't stop staring at it...

*arches eyebrow* What? ;D


dref22 December 23 2008, 06:43:11 UTC
I love when he wear glasses, HRGs or not....Plase Jack, no more contact lenses! XD
OMG what yellow thing? O_o? :D


lincolnimp December 23 2008, 07:42:55 UTC
omg the reading glasses &hearts so hot!


dref22 December 23 2008, 09:12:14 UTC
I'm glad Jack has terrible eyesight! XD


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