Sexy videos (come here p0rn bots)

Jun 08, 2016 00:23

I found his demo reels! Click on the pic(s)!

Excuse me but i can watch these foreverrrr. hey, I could have made these! :D Ugh I love these characters so much, I was too invested in them dammit. But no TVD in any of these reels! INTERESTING.

OMG i like that his main demo reel has the "My name is Sylar", a heartbreaking Clairebear-stalking and the epic Momo ass-kicking scenes! :D IT'S POETIC.

His resume on that site is apparently not up-to-date and some of the stuff he was in have older (WIP?) names, such as: "Dairy Girls" aka Cow Belles and "Polar Shift" (lol) aka "Polar Storm" (or Polar Sh.t as mabetini renamed it, BAD GIRL. Disclaimer: She actualy liked it except the wife. I know she cheers every time she dies on screen, BAD GIRL.)

video, demo reels

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