Also, scroll waaaaaay down for a Jack Coleman interview where he talks about Heroes Reborn AND Senator Bracken coming back YAYYYYY
OMG this is the "TinType Booth Pics" on the
Access Hollywood website. SEXY IMO
This is from an interview
HERE (OMG I hope it still works because it's a Periscope interview and honestly, you can barely hear a thing but who cares??? OMG I want to know what he is saying about Clairebear though)
LOOOOOL THESE PEOPLE. Robbie was looking for revenge obviously
Enjoying this too much, eh? D:
OMG still sexy in a disturbing way
I love pizza seriously
There was also a hand apparently
Sooooooooooo pretty 😍😍😍😍😍😍
With the cast!:
OMG these are gorgeous too imo:
More from the photoshoot:
Yes, we know this jacket! :D
These are prettyyy too:
More cast ones:
THE INTERVIEW ON KSITETV OMGGG ...And, in success, would Coleman like to continue with more Heroes beyond this first season? “I’d love to see it go on, but I also understand if it doesn’t, and I am not going to be gutted if it doesn’t, because to get to put the glasses on and revisit it… it’s certainly the coolest character I’ve ever played on television, so I’m just thrilled to get the opportunity to go back,” he says, before being asked about another character he will be reprising in September - that of Senator Bracken on ABC’s Castle.
“He is a link to a deep, dark story that’s about to unveil itself, and he’s not in a great place when we revisit [him],” Coleman reveals, before praising that cast, as well. “I’ve had such a time working with Stana. She’s just a doll, and so is Nathan… the whole cast… Jon and Seamus, they’re all so great… but Bracken and Beckett are intrinsically linked.”
OMG I'll probably cry if I don't see him as HRG again (lol I haven't watched this one yet but you know)
OMG STANA IS SUCH A DOLL no you are 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
I'm seriously excited about Bracken too!