Yet another dref22 birthday with Jack Coleman stuff :D #HeroesReborn stuff! :D

Feb 03, 2015 00:40

The promo totally aired on my birthday YES. As la_dame_du_lac beautifully said: "You have HRG karma or Jack karma rather"

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AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH this promo is weird (but verrrry prettah) and I have no clue what's going on apart from the fact that HRG is still so UNFy but I don't care :D He is forever my bespectacled anti-hero <3 <3 <3

Okay let's see....

OMG a kid with special powers obviously

Ahhhhh he wants to bag and tag the kid???

Ahhhh he wans to bag and tag HRG??? D: I HATE HIM ALREADY.


video, tv: heroes reborn, promotional, zachary levi

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