Jack Coleman: Forever a Winner

Jul 02, 2014 18:00

Making Twitter a better experience since 2013

This photo made the internet explode like a supernova yesterday:

I seriously love them hahahaha :D There are only a few things in life that are better than this. LOL I lied, there is probably none. And you know what's even more awesome? The official Heroes Facebook page shared the photo. Are you thinking what I'm thinking? :D

I need an icon, STAT!

EDIT: because Jimmy Jean-Louis hahahahahhaha "Clairebear" <3 <3 <3

Yay 18th wedding anniversary! :D What a lovely pic!

OMG I think I was going to talk about/post something else, but I forgot. LOLLL I blame the epicness of the Haitianing photo...

twitter, tv: heroes, jimmy jean-louis, jack coleman and his awesomeness, beth toussaint, tv: heroes reborn, jack coleman's twitter, image, omfg

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