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Comments 13

sarena2s January 8 2014, 20:50:56 UTC
This confirms two things. Wendi is much creepier than us... and your mom doesn't know the real you.


dref22 January 8 2014, 21:03:56 UTC
YES TO ALL. I shivered when I saw it. And I don't know the real me either...

You know what else? Mom was also like, "Why did they pose like this?" when she saw the selfie pic...


sarena2s January 8 2014, 23:57:51 UTC
For some reason, it really rubs me the wrong way, but I tried to joke about it too :P

LOL yes, I think that you do... Oh, your mom. After I showed my mom the episode she was like, "Please show me the picture where they were all goofing around at the casket and he was taking the picture of himself again!" It made her feel better just like it did for us. :3


elizzybright January 8 2014, 21:34:46 UTC
Legolas, Hawkeye, princess from Brave, Arrow, Katniss...is there anyone out there who's not into arrows? XD Now you Wendy...I totally agree with Jack...you just need a good motivation. I am pretty sure, you could do the bullseye too...if his pic is there!
Your mum...omg...She's into the character...not in the fandom. And what's this mess with Brody? I don't watch Homeland, but just like the Red Wedding I guess somebody dies...just like Daniel Douglas (not going to think on PoI, right?)
PS: have you seen Catching Fire yet? Quoting Mrs Austen...you don't have compassion of my poor nerves :D


dref22 January 8 2014, 22:04:36 UTC
Hehehe but I wouldn't want to do this D:

Ugh I am not amused with mommy still. I think she needs guidance from me...

I think Brody was supposed to get killed in the first season's finale, but the viewers loved the character, so they kept him on the show, well, until this season. XD I am not surprised that he eventually died LOL.

Ugh, POI death still depresses me too. :( Those were good episodes but I hope her death doesn't hurt the show.

LOLOL I know! XD I swear I will. XD I just couldn't do it yet! :D I'll totally DM you right after I do! I think I am watching it this weekend. XD


elizzybright January 9 2014, 22:43:34 UTC
I know, I wouldn't but you would surely see the bullseye if his pic is there!
So they finally killed him! I guess Damian Lewis wanted to do other things or he had offers...like that depressing death in PoI...BTW, I have just seen the last episode, I guess before the one of this week, lol,...as a Soprano fan, it really amuses me :)
I am waiting that DM!! :D


dref22 January 9 2014, 23:20:44 UTC
I read an interview of Damian Lewis and he didn't sound like he wanted to leave the show. XD Apparently they informed him about his character's demise right in the beginning of the season. He was saying he knew it was coming but he didn't know when!

OMG you know what, I was never able to finish The Sopranos! I swear I will do it one day. XD


ilikethequiet January 8 2014, 22:46:33 UTC


dref22 January 9 2014, 00:55:27 UTC
Ughhhh you can't just....shoot the pretty! D:


episodethree January 9 2014, 22:11:37 UTC
Why, Wendi, why? I just don´t get it! There are so many men who are way less attractive than Jack... :P


dref22 January 9 2014, 22:28:39 UTC
She knows fangirls are watching her too, perhaps she is testing us. :P THIS IS A DANGEROUS GAME, WENDI D:


akiaoshba January 15 2014, 07:25:17 UTC
OMG! I had no idea he looked like that!


dref22 January 15 2014, 10:29:47 UTC
LOOOOLLLL yes! That was one of the most amusing things that the fandom found out after he started to play HRG. XD I seriously recommend you to check the Dynasty tag here. XD


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