Sep 15, 2013 23:33

- This convo:
Strong: About your detention, there are a lot of people here who want to leave you there. They're just not in a forgiving mood.
Sam: Figures as much. You know spies... Bunch of bitchy little girls.
Strong: Yeah, sometimes.

Awwww full circle! Sam's "bitchy little girls" line is from the very first episode of the show! Also, the bromance was even more evident, UNF.

- I like this one too:
Fiona: All I have in my purse is some C4.


- Seriously, Jack Coleman and his suits are so nice I mean it.

- It's nice to see the team working together again!

- Awww Jesse/Maddie scene is so cute.

- Maddie NOOOOOOOOOO WHY SO EXPLODY. Ugh, why did they have to? :(

- So CIA doesn't know Michael and Fi are still alive? Somebody surely helped them re-locate.  Well, I guess they would never have given him a star on the wall at Langley if they knew he was alive...

- OMG yay Agent Strong is a good guy in the end! :D He's actually an awesome guy as long as you're not ruining his career! Sam and Jesse are free thanks to him! HOW SEXY.

- OMG that was a good finale and a happy one especially for the shippers. Happy and sad feelings together!

- But I kinda think this storyline actually needed more than 13 episodes and a two-hour long finale!

- Also, not enough Jack Coleman scenes! D:

- Ugh my weekly Jack Coleman fix noooooooooo D: Ugh, it almost felt like the Heroes days....

UGH UGH poor bb he's all alone :(

He looks defeated and sad :( BECAUSE OF SO MANY FAILS D:

He's reaching for the phone while his eyes are closed....THAT'S BADASS IMO.

Phone sex?

NOM. he looks very pretty

He's not excited about Michael's phone calls anymore D:

RAWR, in fact he's pissed!!!!!!!

Soooo pretty <3

About to sneeze

OMG tongue :D

Disappointed and sad and his career is about to end! D: But at least he's pretty....Can't he join Sam and Jesse after they kick him out of CIA?

Eye sex. CIA ORGY?

Very nice tie

ARGH looking sooooo good I WILL MISS THIS SHOW MAN.

Nice haircut UNF

That's a naughty hand sign here

Puppy eyes at work again :D

Ahhh thumbs :D So lickable imo

ARGH he's killing me in this episode SOOOOO PRETTY

AHHHHH yet another tongue moment! I feel empty inside when I don't have screencaps of this! D:


His haaands

Purrrrrfect hand talking omg so many nice caps


OMG OMG I almost missed him in this fake Fi/Michael funeral scene haha! I sometimes suck, very hard...ARGHHHH HIS LAST SCENE AS AGENT ANDREW STRONG. D: I WILL MISS THIS, MAN. NO MORE BN SCREENCAPS D: The Jesse/Sam scene is totally a set up for the spin off. I'm totally rooting for a Bruce Campbell show!

tv: burn notice, picspam, episode, image

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