Burn Notice! Sea Change!

Sep 08, 2013 18:10

- Michael says James made him believe there is something worth fighting for. Errrr, excuse me Michael, but I thought you already had something to fight for? Like your family and friends? Isn't this why you accepted the job in the first place? And now he thinks the organization will keep them safe. Pfff.

- So, CIA is ready to shut the operation down and stop going after James and his organization? Haven't they been after him for like, a decade or something?

- Ugh I don't like you, "the director of central intelligence for the entire goddamn USA" person...He yelled at my bb.

- OMG it's sad to see Fi cry. D: I really liked Anwar in this episode.

- ZOMG Jack Coleman rocking the puppy eyes and the suits.

- Not enough Jack Coleman scenes though and the worst thing is: No bicep flexing. :(

- Burning a house down for distraction? Well, this is what Burn Notice always does. :P

- SO UNFAIR: Sam and Michael had an epic fight which ended up in the sea. Why wasn't Strong in this fight? D: I was really hoping for wet!JC in this show too...

- Right now, Michael only cares about the power. Sorry but it felt like it. :/

- OMG did Sonya shoot Fi? D: SHE DIED? D: I still don't like Sonya! D: I'm totally not #TeamSonya! D: LOL well, we all know Fi's not going to die...

- What an episode! Lots of angst! But... No Wet!JC D:

- Only one more episode to go! D:

He's werqin'.

OMG the phone rings

OMG Strong is happy to hear Michael's voice! He's so happy Michael's alive!!!

ARGH Michael, I can't believe you are lying to this awesome but sometimes loud person...

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They've been naughty boys, haven't they?


UGH UGH he's all puppy eyes in this episode, poor bb. :(((


I can't deal with his intense pupyy eyes D:

Hehehe look at the screen behind him

Wow an unexpected RAWR look

FINGERS! Also, I need to take a closer look at his badge....

Ugh he wants to facepalm, but he can't

Awww he's saying nice things about Westen and what's Westen doing in return? HE'S BEING A TRAITOR D:

HI another sexy suit

Booo Michael for lying to him. :( Poor bb, he thinks he's getting James...

I hate you Michael D:

Worried but hawt

Ugh ugh ughhhhhhhhh. He isn't even mad in this episode, no longer a jerk, he is just... sad D: I want to give him millions of huggggggs D:

tv: burn notice, sea change, episode, image

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