Oh, the oddity! And omg new #BurnNotice pics and even a BTS one! :D

Aug 01, 2013 03:20

And there will be another episode with Jack Coleman tomorrow! :D :D :D The synopsis:

"Michael goes after a drug smuggler at the bidding of the organization he's trying to infiltrate. Elsewhere, Fiona, Jesse and Strong visit a mental hospital in a search for more information about James."


Now, here's my embarrassing moment of the day:

LOLOL this wasn't even our fault this time! D:

Aaaand here are two awesome pics YAY! FINALLY, PEOPLE!

HOW NICE :D With Stephen Martinez and Tuğba Ercan! So nice....I like this pic a lot.  Ercan tweeted it and she is a Turkish born American model, yay!

OMG OMG this beautiful behind the scenes pic AHHHHHH :D So cool. Today was the last day of filming (boooooo D:) but not sure when this was taken! HE IS SO HUGGY OMG LUCKY SET PEOPLE.

Source: afadingmind (He's apparently Jeffrey Donovan's stand in)

Maaan, I feel like I'm missing one or two Jack Coleman pics, I just hope I'm wrong. And I can't believe they waited until the end of filming to post this sexy bts pic. PLEASE TELL ME I AM NOT MISSING ANYTHING.

tv: burn notice, lol, tugba ercan, stephen martines, link, behind the scenes

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