This is mostly a picspam post and all the stuff are from yesterday. SO I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT JACK COLEMAN AND HIS FAMILY WERE UP TO TODAY. But still, we have lots of pics and since Jack Coleman is apparently promoting The Vampire Diaries over there (ugh they killed Bill Forbes, HOW DARE THEM), I found a bunch of pics from a TVD site. AND A PIC FROM JOAN COLLINS. HOOORAY! Mommy and son reunite!!!!!!
But first, here's something VERY cute which I stumbled upon. It's a Monte Carlo interview of actress Mayim Bialik who plays Amy, Sheldon's girlfriend on Big Bang Theory. Okay, I don't watch that show, but I know that Ms Bialik is awesome because:
Question:"Which person who's at this festival would you like to meet this year?"
Mayim: "Haha! I just saw that there's a Heroes actor here (Jack Coleman)! I am hysterical since I saw him, I ABSOLUTELY need a photo with him" (journalist note: kind soul that I am, I spoke to Jack Coleman in the afternoon so that they could meet. And they lived happily ever after and... No I don't know the rest.) "I am in love with him, he's super attractive too! I don't watch TV much, as I said I mostly watched Lost and Heroes so that's why I chose him"
I LOVE HER, OKAY? I smell competition? Ugh also, how will we find out what they talked about? I always want to know these things....:(
LE SOURCE (awesomely translated by the Swissy,
The broken pinky invites you in...
I'm extremely happy that we have a broken pinky moment in Monte Carlo too. EXTREMELY HAPPY.
WOOHOO surfing!
In this pic, Mr Coleman is demonstrating his martial art skills...
Another broken pinky pic: Here, his singing skills! :D UGH I AM SO GOING TO CRY IF THERE IS NO VIDEO. :(
Woot! Finally a better pic of the TVD peeps!!!! It's interesting that he was always alone in the photocall pics, but apparently, there was a mini TVD panel and he was there! I WANT A VIDEO.
More photocall pics BECAUSE:
So classy and elegant.
Now perhaps, the most special pic of this entry:
JOAN COLLINS OMG. She said she was going to post a Jack Coleman pic but we had to wait like two days FML. I was THISCLOSE from linking her my very shippy Alexis/Steven entry, but thankfully, she tweeted this pic!!! CRISIS AVERTED. Just tell me, how cool is this pic? HOW AWESOME? Take that, you Al Corley fans! Also, OMG I totally recognized the tie!!! DID YOU ALSO?
Here are the most artistic pics of the TVD photocall:
I love the filter they used...
I'm seriously, TOTALLY melting. THIS SMILE. This kind of pics make me feel like crying.
DEAR GODS. GORGEOUS. I need this as HQ. THIS IS CERTAINLY ONE OF MY ALL TIME JACK FREAKING COLEMAN PICS EVER. I don't know what else can I say about its beauty...It's beautiful and I believe you are delusional if you think there are more beautiful things in this world than THIS. SERIOUSLY LOOK AT THIS FACE. *faints* He KNOWS what he's doing to his fans. The eye squeezing and all.... *cries*
Awesome man is awesome. UNF his autograph...I love his JACKet. There, I said it again.
Whay a cool pic. Isn't it kind of funny that almost every one of these fans are TVD fans?