Shhhhh I almost forgot this:

Apr 21, 2012 01:16

This makes me a happy dref.

Also, I'm pleased to see First Cut tweets from some cast members. I expect to see more.


- Drawsomething is fun fun funnn. And if I have to draw John Lennon one more time again...Well, I have to say, I am awesome at drawing John Lennon, because every time I draw him, people guess it right!
- Awake is awesome. I still don't get why it has abysmal ratings. LOL as if this is something new. Also, Jason Isaacs has a nice upper torso.
- Hayden Panettiere is on Twitter (lol that's not news really, she has been on Twitter for some time I guess) and she sometimes tweets cute pics and I like that.
- I also like Breakout Kings very much. Such a fun show. Well, I like other shows too, but I prefer talking about the underrated ones. :P
- I am proud. Why? Scroll down and look at the pic at the end of the recap, just before the comments.

Wow this entry. I talked about other things.

twitter, who cares, me me me, image, zachary levi

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