So...I have been watching the Dynasty episodes very slooooowly, but hey, I'm watching! ...kinda...Anyways, I really enjoyed the last one I watched. Because there were scenes with Jack's pretty hair blowing in the wind. OH YES. Plus, angsty bromance. OH YESSSS. Adam is hawt.
Also, Steven has sexual chemistry with everyone in this show. Is it because he is out-of-this-world pretty? Or because he acts like an angry puppy all the time? I don't know how many times I wanted to run my hands through his hair while watching his scenes...Oh my.
No wind, still hot....I love that he loves his mommies. But, Alexis is always going to be #1!!!!
Mmmm...Beautiful...he was about to do the tongue action, but decided not too. Perhaps because it was too windy? Am I making any sense here?
I have been staring at this one for the last 1 hour, 25 minutes and 32 seconds...33....34....Ahem. Perfection. He's just too cute. Also: Fangs OMG. I like his sweater too. He's staring at Adam...*siiiiiiigh*
...Unrelated, I made this one for a challenge in
scifiland :
OMG. Still love all "this" hardcore.
Am I losing my perviness? NOOOOOOOO! D: