Feb 07, 2011 22:25

I sometimes go back and read what The Man wrote in his blog. Yes, I miss it dearly. *sniff* He needs to start blogging again!!!! *snifffffff*

The HRG Files: Volume 5
by Jack Coleman October 14, 2008 9:50 AM

"...Creepier still is that, of course, they are all there to shoot Hayden. The entire tabloid industry is predicated on destroying young ( Read more... )

tv: heroes, wwbd, jack coleman, blog, tv: dynasty, dolls, hrg, link, noah bennet, image

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Comments 20

aceofhadeon February 7 2011, 21:30:28 UTC
Wow. That's all I can say: wow. I'd be more impressed if they had his actual handgun on them, though.

Oh, Jack, how we love you and your thongy ways!


dref22 February 7 2011, 21:52:12 UTC
Haha yes, his actual handgun is actually more impressive and I bet it would have looked better on that ...thong. XD

You know what, he needs to come back and talk more about his thong stories...I bet he has many of them! :D


episodethree February 7 2011, 21:51:00 UTC

Can you believe I was remembering that blog entry a while ago, before reading this? Can you? ... Neither can I.

I actually want a Steven Carrington doll OMFG. The things I'd do to him....And the things I'd make Alexis do to him....Shhhh

LOL! In that case, make sure the Claire doll isn´t allowed in the room. She´s too young, you know. :P


dref22 February 7 2011, 22:00:03 UTC
I think I sensed it. My dref senses were tingling! XD

LOL it happens to me a lot too. Sometimes I think about something and the next week, we get news about it. Weiiiiird. *tries to make it work for Jack Coleman news too*

Hahaha! Oh...Clairebear has already seen so many things... D:


elizzybright February 7 2011, 22:39:37 UTC
Sure I was going to comment your post tomorrow (I am so sleepy now), but I simply woke up when I saw this entry, lol! What's that What would Bennet do stuff??? I cannot believe it! Ok, I want to believe, lol! but that's so crazy. I cannot believe you didn't created that stuff!! a thong??? lol! but there's clothes for everyone, even for Mr Muggles! lol!!!
BTW, couldn't help it!

... )


dref22 February 7 2011, 22:47:29 UTC
I cannot believe you didn't created that stuff!! a thong???

You know what, that is exactly what I thought! :D

Awwww...That's the cutest teddy bear ever and OMG so canon. Because Clairebear heard HRG say it!!!

OMG he looks like Steven. I commented the same way on the EW article about the Dynasty Barbies LOL! Wait, how are we going to vote? What are we voting for!!! OMG I want the "Steven Carrington" Barbie with the name and all!


elizzybright February 7 2011, 23:12:10 UTC
Oh, yes, it's a happy bear!! :D
And oh yes, he looks like Steven! Sure they should make a Steven doll!! Well, according to what I read, you give hints to Ken so he can get ideas to conquer Barbie again (she left him because of an australian surfer, yes, believe it...) or you can take your couple to a big kiss day in Madrid...Don't think too much, it's too crazy to believe it...just like a HRG thong...


dref22 February 7 2011, 23:59:16 UTC
Wow...I didn't even realize Barbie was capable of leaving Ken! D: LOL is Mattel doing that? :D Crazier than the HRG thong. XD

Where do I sign to get a Steven Carrington doll? :D


greatbriton February 7 2011, 22:49:11 UTC
I want the shirt!!!!!


dref22 February 7 2011, 22:57:21 UTC
OMG there are also "I'm Comfortable With Morally Grey" ones! Those were very cool!

Haha, I need to go to a website and make these...


greatbriton February 7 2011, 23:29:15 UTC
hahaha! that's fantastic

<3 <3 <3 HRG. I misssssssss himmmmmmm


dref22 February 7 2011, 23:55:11 UTC
Ughhhh...I miss him so hard. I miss the potential storylines, new adventures, kinkiness. D: Well at least we have material to perv on...

Btw, tomorrow is the anniversary of the day Heroes ended! Feb 8!!! D:


sarena2s February 7 2011, 22:50:25 UTC
Oh man... this is too funny. btw, I wouldn't be yawning if I were there to see that. XD

Unfortunately the action figures are much smaller than barbies, but that doesn't mean you can't pretend...


dref22 February 7 2011, 22:56:02 UTC
And whose fault is that? D:

OMG are you sure about their sizes? NUUUUUU!!! D: UGH you may be right. I always hated Barbies...D: ...But I still want these? And the Steven Carrington one! D:

Also, I would still be okay with Alexis/HRG OMG.


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