Oh Jack...

Dec 22, 2010 00:36

The HRG Files
Volume 7 -- A Sea Change
by Jack Coleman November 11, 2008 10:18 AM

"I've got a cold. Thanks, Hayden. I worked with her all last week and she was sneezing all over the place. I have a sneaking suspicion, however, that the virus was transferred by way of burrito. She manhandled the darn thing before giving it to me. That was Monday, before I realized that she was polluted. Moments later, the sniffling and sneezing began. I've never seen a human being blow her nose so many times in one week. Let's hope I don't break her record."

I realized I never really paid attention to that. The opportunity was there, and I passed. Bad me.

tv: heroes, jack coleman, manip, blog

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