A question from Yahoo Answers: Who's Cooler: Jack of Lost or Noah Bennett of Heroes?
Okay, I'm not one of those, "omg Jack ewww" people, but I still have to say:
I mean, why not Ben or Locke Flocke?
...and they wrote it with two "t". Grrrrrrr.....
Comments 20
Secondly... LOL WUT. If we're comparing HRG to someone on Lost it's got to be Ben or Sayid. Jack should go against Nathan or Peter. Sawyer would be... Sylar?
Yeah, I KNOW! They used to compare him with Ben but Sayid also makes sense! LOL, I don't know if that question owner is pulling our leg or not, I mean, he has a Ben icon!
Oh, Jack is totally Peter! :D And Sylar....Hmmmm...Yeah, maybe Sawyer...Wow, I can't believe I didn't think about that before!
Noah >>>> Jack
How can anyone like Jack?Some people are crazy,aren't they?
I...I don't hate Jack...*hides*
*snerk* Making Horatio macros will never not be appropriate. XDDD
OMG LOL I stopped watching CSI: Miami long time ago but Horatio still gives me the lulz. :DDD
Btw, &hearts Walter Bishop &hearts . I need Fringe icons...
And YES Walter is so amazing. And think how awesome a Heroes crossover with him would be! *omg plotbunnies*
And YES Walter is so amazing. And think how awesome a Heroes crossover with him would be! *omg plotbunnies*
It's a MUST!!!!! D: OMG Walter in Primatech...
HRG, whose 'name' and GLASSES inspired fear of those who he went after?
And Jack, who just seems to cry a lot?
I think there's a clear winner.
This question is pure crack imo. I mean, you don't even have to be a fan of HRG to decide who is the real awesome and who is not. :D
LOL, Jack and his tears...People will always remember them even after the show's long gone.
But yeah, that question is...OMG. *facepalm*
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