The answer can't be Jack Coleman!!!!!! DDD:
I already answered that question!!!! I just read the Herosite review of "An Invisible Thread" and I gotta say I especially LOLed at this part here:
The HeroSite Dumb As Awards for Season Three, in order of rank, are as follows:
Peter Petrelli: 7 awards
# 3.01: decided the best way to dissuade Nathan from going public about special abilities was to shoot him.
# 3.04: future self expressed concern about “them” finding him, but didn’t think to use his invisibility.
# 3.04: present self learned that “they” were looking for him and his future counterpart, didn’t think to use his invisibility.
# 3.04: future self told present self to absorb Sylar’s intuitive aptitude to ensure a stable timeline, didn’t think to absorb it himself.
# 3.04: present self ignored all of the abilities at his disposal (including, at the time, telekinesis, time-stopping and teleportation) and let Future-Claire, Future-Daphne and Future-Knox take Future-Sylar’s son hostage.
# 3.06: saw a guy who looked like his dead dad associating with the worst of the worst, ignored all possible explanations and promptly gave him a hug.
# 3.15: met his regenerative niece in the middle of a war zone, didn’t think to absorb her regeneration.
Mohinder Suresh: 5 awards
# 3.01: responded to the threat of a serial-killing psycho by booking a flight to India.
# 3.06: learned that Tracy was Niki’s sister, then asked Tracy if she was Niki.
# 3.06: took the hand of a cryokinetic woman he’d drugged and planned to conduct experiments on.
# 3.14: chose not to heed Peter’s warnings about the future when he knew Peter had been to the future.
# 3.17: got into a scuffle with Matt at a hotel and allowed a captive Noah to break free from restraints and run out the door.
Matt Parkman: 4 awards
# 3.01: stepped into a closet with one of the show’s most powerful characters when he suspected said character of homicide.
# 3.13: got touchy-feely with Ando even after Ando started emitting red sparks and told Matt he couldn’t control his ability.
# 3.17: got into a scuffle with Mohinder, didn’t pay attention to the captive who had enough time to loosen his restraints and escape.
# 3.24: phoned Janice on a phone that was almost certainly bugged to let her know her superpowered son was coming home.
Noah Bennet: 4 awards
# 3.11: decided it would be more fun to watch Sylar and Elle having sex than to shoot them.
# 3.13: separated from Meredith while hunting down Sylar at Primatech.
# 3.25: told Claire to make sure Nathan was Nathan instead of Sylar, but couldn’t think of a smart way to do it.
# 3.25: Turbo Dumb As Award: Sylathan. Enough said.
Angela Petrelli: 4 awards
# 3.12: assigned Peter and the Haitian to kill Arthur, decided Peter was the best choice to put a bullet in his father’s head.
# 3.14: conducted an incriminating conversation with Nathan by phone and didn’t consider that Claire might be listening in the next room.
# 3.23: provoked a deranged weather-controlling sister into going berserk when she realized how much she’d missed during her isolation.
# 3.25: Turbo Dumb As Award: “Sylathan” says it all.
Hiro Nakamura: 3 awards
# 3.12: teleported Sylar to a local beach instead of a remote island.
# 3.20: pushed Ando in a wheelbarrow for 12 miles instead of unfreezing time and making contact with Ando so they could both make the trip on foot.
# 3.24: blew his cover and put a van of agents in unnecessary danger by disguising himself as an agent and forgetting to remove his glasses.
Claire Bennet: 2 awards
# 3.02: asked Peter to train her to fight without possessing any of Peter’s abilities.
# 3.06: aimed a taser at the puppeteer who was terrorizing Sandra, took so long to pull the trigger that Doyle had enough time to puppeteer her into firing at a random marionette.
Tracy Strauss: 2 awards
# 3.10: conducted an incriminating conversation with Arthur by phone from inside Angela’s office to let him know what Angela and her team were doing.
# 3.16: blew her shot at getting out of Building 26 by breaking out of her cell and icing the first agent she came across.
Meredith Gordon (R.I.P.): 2 awards
# 3.03: fell for Claire’s “sleepover retreat” story.
# 3.13: separated from Noah while searching for a psychokiller at Primatech.
Arthur Petrelli (R.I.P.): 2 awards
# 3.09: found Hiro and Ando in the desert, didn’t kill them.
# 3.12: found Hiro on the Past Rooftop of Pigeonly Delight, took his ability, TK’d him over a rooftop, didn’t kill him.
Emile Danko: 2 awards
# 3.19: wondered for about the billionth time how Nathan got from one location to another so quickly (later unearned after it turned out he wasn’t quite that dumb).
# 3.22: gloated over a suspiciously quick capture of the uncatchable Sylar (he was Sylar, but we didn’t know that at the time - it counts!).
Building 26 staff (R.I.P. lots of them): 2 awards
# 3.19: heard a segment of dialogue in which Tracy reveals that Nathan was “one of us,” didn’t even look up.
# 3.21: didn’t notice the top priority on the Wall of Fugitives strolling through the office.
Daphne Millbrook (R.I.P.): 1 award
# 3.13: got touchy-feely with Ando when he started emitting red sparks.
Ando Masahashi: 1 award
# 3.02: searched Daphne’s apartment “thoroughly” for the formula, didn’t think to look behind the Mona Lisa painting.
Flint Gordon (R.I.P.): 1 award
# 3.09: watched Peter and Claire running away in the sewer, just stood there.
Knox (R.I.P.): 1 award
# 3.09: saw Peter and Claire escaping in the sewer, just stood there.
Micah Sanders: 1 award
# 3.24: took the psychokiller up on his offer for a sleepover.
OK, I disagree with this award:
"Noah Bennet - separated from Meredith while hunting down Sylar at Primatech."
That wasn't a dumb move...was it? And Jack said that Sylathan was cool, who am I to argue???? DDDD:
Sandra, Lyle and Mr Muggles didn't win even a single award. I'm sure they can rehabilitate Noah and Claire...The Bennets are always awesome, deal with it...
And with this one too:
3.14: Angela Petrelli conducted an incriminating conversation with Nathan by phone and didn’t consider that Claire might be listening in the next room.
Well, it's obvious that she did that on purpose! She wanted Clairebear to hear their conversation....
A post is never complete without a JC/HRG pic...