Jack's new entry!!!!!

Jun 01, 2009 22:16


"But first, clothes. Some folks have noticed that I've been photographed wearing certain outer garments... how can I put this... often. I am guilty as charged. Not surprisingly, I am unrepentant. I am not a designer, nor a model. I am an actor. I have six suits and four tuxes, which makes me a clotheshorse compared to my mid-twenties when I owned one suit. I also have a couple of nice sport jackets that I wear when I have to look presentable but not formal.

One of my pet peeves with show biz is the notion that "celebrities" (the pressure once again falls intensely, and unfairly, on women) can never be seen in the same outfit more than once without enduring endless humiliation. I love it when an actress has the cojones to appear twice in the same dress or frock or coat. It says, "These are my clothes. I am a real person with a real wardrobe."

I don't want my daughter thinking it's humiliating to be seen in the same outfit twice. Clothes are expensive. And unlike Hollywood relationships, clothes are not disposable. And, and... ah, hell, I'm busted. I have to get more jackets."

Oh man, I swear The JACKet posts weren't actually my idea!!!! Evil people made me do it!!! DDD: Yeah, I might be lying, IDK...

"...Where does this leave HRG? Some have fretted that HRG is now doomed, complicit in a terrible act (the creation of Sylathan) and planning to reconstitute the Company, which condemns his soul to hell."

Jack uses the word "Sylathan". How cool is that?? And yeah, we think HRG is doomed but I'm ready to change my mind...OK, we believe you, Jack...

"That's it for now. Not sure when I'll speak to y'all again. Before too long or when I have something to say... whichever comes first."

No more JACKet posts, I SWEAR!!!! DDD: Please update your blog regularly, Jack!!!! DDDD: *sobs*

real life, jack coleman, blog, link

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