Quote of the episode:
"I don't wanna hear one of us, one of them"
Yeah HRG, that ship has sailed...Or maybe not...
- It's official: Incest is a MUST for Heroes...
- HRG is Nathan Petrelli's boy...Not that there is anything wrong with that...
- HRG's porn star name is Mr Survival Skills. Because Clairebear said so.
- This episode is creepy...
- OMG so many religious references. I doubt God's into incest though..
- HRG is hot.
- Danko/Sylar...A different kind of "One of Us, One of Them"
- Clairebear pawns her necklace??? And it was a gift from daddy??? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO....
- Clairebear was undressing Nathan in front of the single bed in the room? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO....She's not helping the right father undress!!!!! Wrong type of incest!!! DDDDDDD:
- I don't know what would the Petrellis do if HRG didn't exist....
I LOLed. I loved this scene...Nathan and Claire having a great time....
OK, Peter and Angela are not having a great time though...
White gloves make a lady look elegant...
OK, hotnessssssss....
So much hotnessssssss.....
LOL, HRG cares for human rights....And he looks cute while doing that...
Heh, facial bumps...
Spiky hair...
I think Danko is standing on something...
Oh man...I love this....I love him....Guh-worthy....
Look at his eyes....Guh.......
...And a new ship is born....
He got aroused by Danko's pep talk...Who would't, really...
LOL, he's shorter...Short people are funny....
OMG I feel the urge to lick his glasses again...I must be thirsty...
Danko wants to lick them too...
...Only Clairebear is allowed to lick them....
....but Clairebear is busy with licking someone/something else...
WHY GOD, err writers, WHY???
OMG they are so shiny...
Close-ups...I love close-ups...
Mr Survival Skils is giving the bedroom eyes...
You sneaky bastard...
Nah, I love him...
That NBC logo is grey...Our NBC logo is colorful...
They look happy...and OMG, let's face it, they are extremely cute together......*headdesk*
Emo!Peter is emo...And wet...
OMG I think it's contagious!!! Angela is emo too! DDDD:
Cris Rose is wicked awesome again...
...Clairebear needs spanking...Drinking is bad...
I LOVE LOVE LOVE this scene...Peter and Angela looking vulnerable and frightened...And HRG saving their asses...I hope you're ashamed for trying to buttfuck HRG, Peter...
No no noooooooooooo.....You are doing it wrong, Clairebear...WRONG DAD!!!!!
OMG the necklace is back...I was almost going to hate you, Clairebear...Almost...
Heh...He's not Sylar and you know it...
DAMN!! I want that Micah scene!!!!!!
You look good Jack, you look good...
LOL, is he confused? Or is he aware of everything?
Great acting in this scene...