Jack deserves to be hugged...

Feb 17, 2009 18:03

"I want to quickly address the "walk away and shut up" comment from last week. It was a tongue-in-cheek remark that I assumed most readers would understand and find humorous. We all know what happens when you assume.

I should have given the comment some context. I did not mean that there should be no criticism of the show. I was not referring to reasonable viewers who feel the show is not as good as it used to be and wish to register their complaints. I was referring to the new cottage industry of Heroes bashing that has sprouted up both online and in mainstream media."


Seriously, if these people cause him to stop blogging, I will be very very unhappy...And when I'm very very unhappy, the spammage level reaches a new high...

He doesn't deserve to be bashed like that for writing his own opinions.

And this:

What I object to, and what I should have stated more clearly, is the recent phenomenon of serial complainers who get ever more personal and nasty. They say they hate the show yet continue to watch, week after week, with the sole purpose, it seems, of coming up with new and nasty things to say about the show, the cast, the writers, etc.


tv: heroes, jack coleman, blog

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