Soul Searching

Mar 09, 2006 17:16

101 Things you should know about me

1. I am a perfectionist
2. I take most things to heart
3. I love to laugh and hate to cry
4. I scare easily and like scary movies. But if YOU scare me, goodbye.
5. I love being around bodies of water and the beach
6. I’m delicate emotionally not physically, treat me accordingly
7. Occasionally I snort when I laugh
8. I have a strong Chicagoan accent and I hate hearing my own voice
9. Loud noises bother me
10. Commercials are funny
11. I’m very self-conscious and have low self-esteem
12. I like to eat liver sausage and pickle sandwiches.
13. I like to take things slowly in relationships
14. I can’t stand to be around close-minded people
15. Mean people suck
16. Family comes firsts
17. My day hasn’t begun until I take a shower or wash my hair
18. I don’t like sweet things like candy/dessert
19. I’m very intuitive even if I don’t let on to be
20. My body rejects even the smallest amount of alcohol but I “suck it up”
21. I want to be more of a bad ass but I’m a goody good
22. I’d rather read a good book, then watch t.v.
23. I’d rather watch a good movie, then read a book.
24. I’m obsessed with anything having to do with Harry Potter
25. I love science of any kind
26. I never met my grandpas
27. I find it hard to sleep somewhere other then my bed
28. I hate being persuaded to do anything
29. Stickers are a phobia of mine
30. I would do anything for my friends
31. Cuddling is just amazing and so romantic
32. I want to visit England and Australia
33. I love dogs and they love me
34. I hate drama but I’m dramatic
35. I would die without music
36. I would die without singing
37. I have a hard time expressing my feelings but that doesn’t mean I don’t have them
38. I get embarrassed easily
39. Most of my friends are guys
40. The idea of being used scared me a lot
41. And it’s hard for me to trust people
42. I despise when people leave the ‘h’ off my name
43. Being thrown up against a wall and kissed turns me on
44. I’m really bad at spelling
45. I can roll my tongue
46. I get burst of energy and make weird noises
47. I talk to my computer when I IM people
48. I want to be an American Idol.
49. Blue eyes and black hair is so sexy
50. Black eyes and blue hair would be weird
51. I’m half way through
52. I want a son someday
53. I value hard work effort
54. I’m stubborn
55. I’m not afraid to die at all
56. I’ve never broken a bone
57. I know what I want
58. I sleep with Jeff(erson) every night
59. I’m future oriented
60. I’m a little kid at heart
61. Games and toys are so fun
62. I love to shoot pool
63. I suck at bowling but like to do it anyway
64. I don’t dance (…well)
65. I <3 Seth Cohen
66. I really like to play sports
67. I rarely swear
68. I love star gazing
69. Go CUBS!
70. I love to jam/speed skate
71. I’ve never been admitted to a hospital
72. I used to play piano and trumpet
73. I’m afraid of being alone
74. I am my own worst enemy
75. I’ve been called weird almost everyday of my life and like it
76. I like piercings
77. When I get migraines I temporarily go blind
78. This is quite cathartic
79. Fireworks rock my world!
80. A pet peeve of mine is having a stuffy nose.
81. I like star and moon decorations
82. I’m extremely shy
83. When I get drunk I get affectionate
84. When I’m stressed I bite my finger nails
85. I’m computer illiterate
86. I’m vertically challenged
87. I like the word rapture
88. I could survive under solitary confinement
89. I’m addicted to Pringles
90. Blue is the best color out there
91. I feel good when I’m in the city
92. I’m rarely in a bad mood
93. I’d rather listen then talk
94. I love philosophy and thinking
95. I make up new words
96. I love roller coasters.
97. I the youngest of three daughters
98. I don’t agree with war
99. I <3 thunderstorms
100. I’m a nerd!
101. It’s crucial to have balance, peace and fairness in my life
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