Jan 15, 2006 18:14
I would love this, except there's a little something wrong with almost all of them.
- Criticize things. I think they call this reviewer. But then maybe not; I'd feel like an asshole a lot of the time.
- Socio-cultural anthropology. Particularly, ethnomusicology. The point here is that I will probably be poverty striken.
- Play in a "rocknroll baaaaand." Except I can't play anything
but cello. Which only leaves Apocolyptica. The point here is that
I will probably be laughed at.
- Psychologist. But then I would psychoanalyze all my friends, lovers
and family. And would therefore go crazy and not be able to maintain
any stable relationships.
- Lawyer. I love debating, and would, modestly, kick yo' fuckin' ass.
Except I couldn't deal with the moral issues. Andrea simply could not
defend a guilty person.
- Groupie. The problem here is... well... gr 7 sex ed would cover it, really.
- Politician. Except, I need people to like me. So that really would not work.
- Diplomat. But imagine going to sleep everything with the problems of the world on your shoulders?
- Coffee house worker. I could be a professional conversationlist and change my name to Nico. Or Neko.
(the problem here is being a poverty striken cliché.)
- Poet. See Poor.
- Producer. You stick it to the man. I produce it. I am the (wo)Man.
- Writer for www.gofugyourself.com. But I'm not cool enough for them.
- Fashion designer. I would dress the world in 70s Kmart plaid.
(Yes, I have three of those shirts, each in a different colour. AND
- Writer of children's books. EASY MONEY. Except I would be ashamed.
- Journalist. It's great until you want to (get married? and) have kids.
- Writer, in general. So, in other words... WAITRESS.
- Actor. See above.
- Director. I would be such a bitch. And you would love me for it.