Nov 21, 2009 17:05
The newest new site shut down as I was in the process of making it, but thankfully, I've become so skilled at regenerating the site that I can put it up in no time. Right now, the only operational pages are 10-21 in the archive (because those are the only ones whose code I saved), but it won't take long to do the others because I don't have to make the code from scratch. After I've made each page, I'll save the code to a word document so if the site fails again, I can switch web hosts and regenerate the site in less than an hour. Nifty! Innovation is born from necessity!
One more thing: If this web host works out, there will always be that annoying little ad bar at the bottom of the page. I don't know if it will work out; it's only allowing me 3000 MB of space. (...but I guess that will be enough because most of my comics are in .gif format!)
EDIT: The entire archive is up! :D ...But I have to do homework, so don't expect a comic until after I've done my homework.
technical difficulty