convo of the day

Mar 04, 2005 11:13


dredgonred (10:33:42 AM): howdy doo!
dredgonred (10:33:54 AM): u changed your myspace pic..... i didnt recognize it... lol
pixiechick78 (10:34:09 AM): well hello there
dredgonred (10:34:17 AM): hellooow
pixiechick78 (10:34:27 AM): hahaha Yeah
dredgonred (10:34:38 AM): i was all like who's this?
pixiechick78 (10:34:39 AM): I'll change it back soon It's been confusing everyone hahah
dredgonred (10:34:44 AM): lol
pixiechick78 (10:35:06 AM): hahahah
pixiechick78 (10:35:09 AM): secret stalker
dredgonred (10:35:11 AM): well to tell u the truth your other pic was kind of like an icon of your profile
pixiechick78 (10:35:22 AM): hahah I infiltrated you list
pixiechick78 (10:35:22 AM): hahah
pixiechick78 (10:35:23 AM): so how are ya
pixiechick78 (10:35:31 AM): yeah I know
dredgonred (10:35:32 AM): lol yeah ..
dredgonred (10:35:36 AM): i'm good
pixiechick78 (10:35:37 AM): I'm gonna change it
pixiechick78 (10:35:38 AM): hahah
pixiechick78 (10:35:42 AM): good to hear
dredgonred (10:35:52 AM): getting ready to move out of here in a couple of weeks
dredgonred (10:36:05 AM): two to be exact... (i cant stop counting the days)
pixiechick78 (10:36:20 AM): where are you going
dredgonred (10:36:25 AM): to indianapolis
dredgonred (10:36:32 AM): wooooooo
dredgonred (10:36:54 AM): its like a temporary obsession
dredgonred (10:37:14 AM): i see indiana plates everywhere stickers and places called indinapolis
pixiechick78 (10:37:15 AM): wowza
pixiechick78 (10:37:15 AM): what a change
pixiechick78 (10:37:28 AM): hahah
dredgonred (10:37:50 AM): yeah.... from the nice tx dry desert sun to the green gloomy indiana
pixiechick78 (10:37:55 AM): hahahah
dredgonred (10:38:01 AM): its ok i could use a little green around here
pixiechick78 (10:38:08 AM): so you just decided to move or what
dredgonred (10:38:09 AM): since there's not much of it here
dredgonred (10:38:18 AM): well i've been planning to move for a while
dredgonred (10:38:23 AM): (for school)
pixiechick78 (10:38:33 AM): yeah no kidding
dredgonred (10:38:44 AM): and well i was going to leave in june two moths before school
pixiechick78 (10:38:46 AM): oh cool
pixiechick78 (10:38:50 AM): well that's awesome then
dredgonred (10:38:54 AM): but then i changed my mind and said...... fuck it why not go now!
pixiechick78 (10:38:59 AM): hahah
pixiechick78 (10:39:02 AM): that way you get sttled
dredgonred (10:39:03 AM): and i'm moving in two weeks
pixiechick78 (10:39:05 AM): settles
dredgonred (10:39:06 AM): yeah
pixiechick78 (10:39:07 AM): settled
pixiechick78 (10:39:08 AM): hahahah
pixiechick78 (10:39:18 AM): you going alone?
pixiechick78 (10:39:27 AM): or does someone you know live there
dredgonred (10:39:31 AM): i was supposed to stay and save money but my boss is a bitch and she doesnt give me enough hours or a raise
pixiechick78 (10:39:32 AM): or you just winging it
dredgonred (10:39:39 AM): well my x lives up there
dredgonred (10:39:46 AM): but besides him and his friends no one
dredgonred (10:39:50 AM): so i'm kind of winging it
pixiechick78 (10:39:52 AM): well then no one is holding you back
dredgonred (10:39:54 AM): lol...
dredgonred (10:39:59 AM): other than my fam no
pixiechick78 (10:40:04 AM): It' s more fun that way hahah
dredgonred (10:40:06 AM): but my fam is ok with it
dredgonred (10:40:09 AM): yeah
pixiechick78 (10:40:10 AM): I did that moving back here
pixiechick78 (10:40:16 AM): from chicago
dredgonred (10:40:18 AM): wow
dredgonred (10:40:29 AM): its sorta the same
pixiechick78 (10:40:39 AM): yeah
dredgonred (10:40:46 AM): what i'm most scared of is the cold
dredgonred (10:40:49 AM): since i hate it
pixiechick78 (10:40:49 AM): haha
dredgonred (10:40:56 AM): i'm serious
pixiechick78 (10:40:56 AM): it's sucky
pixiechick78 (10:41:02 AM): but the holidays are great
dredgonred (10:41:04 AM): not knowing anyone doesnt bother me
pixiechick78 (10:41:10 AM): becaus it feels christmasy
pixiechick78 (10:41:14 AM): ya know
dredgonred (10:41:26 AM): or the fact that i'm going to go up there and look for a job and that i'm moving with a stranger
pixiechick78 (10:41:26 AM): It's just fun
dredgonred (10:41:37 AM): doesnt bother me
dredgonred (10:41:40 AM): the cold does
pixiechick78 (10:41:47 AM): yeah well things have a way of working out
dredgonred (10:41:55 AM): i found a roommate on
pixiechick78 (10:41:58 AM): I'll make you a scarf hahahahaha
dredgonred (10:42:00 AM): we've been talking
dredgonred (10:42:01 AM): haha
pixiechick78 (10:42:02 AM): that's cool
dredgonred (10:42:03 AM): i love those
dredgonred (10:42:10 AM): i have lots but i never get to wear them here
dredgonred (10:42:11 AM): lol
pixiechick78 (10:42:15 AM): I bet
dredgonred (10:42:16 AM): they look kind of stupid
pixiechick78 (10:42:20 AM): hahaha
dredgonred (10:42:23 AM): when its 70
pixiechick78 (10:42:53 AM): well when it's snowing out the BIGGER the better and the stupider the more fashionable
dredgonred (10:42:53 AM): its cold like two weeks out of the whole year
dredgonred (10:43:00 AM): lol
pixiechick78 (10:43:01 AM): hahah
dredgonred (10:43:14 AM): and those two weeks arent together
dredgonred (10:43:27 AM): it will be like one day its cold the other will rain and the other will be rainy then its sunny
pixiechick78 (10:43:30 AM): IN the cold it almost seems like the more ridiculous your winter gear is the more fashionable it is
pixiechick78 (10:43:31 AM): hahah
pixiechick78 (10:43:34 AM): same here
dredgonred (10:43:35 AM): and then it starts all over again
dredgonred (10:43:47 AM): yeah....
dredgonred (10:43:57 AM): its ok i'm not going for fashionable any ways
dredgonred (10:43:58 AM): lol
pixiechick78 (10:44:02 AM): hahah
dredgonred (10:44:07 AM): i'm going for WARM!
pixiechick78 (10:44:13 AM): you should get a huge fur hat
pixiechick78 (10:44:14 AM): hahaha
pixiechick78 (10:44:17 AM): with ears
pixiechick78 (10:44:22 AM): so you look like a bear
dredgonred (10:44:23 AM): i'll wrap a blanket around me and walking around with it
dredgonred (10:44:25 AM): lol
pixiechick78 (10:44:29 AM): yeah that's the ticket
dredgonred (10:44:33 AM): and then have the peta people come after me!
dredgonred (10:44:36 AM): no way
pixiechick78 (10:44:36 AM): hahahahaha
pixiechick78 (10:44:56 AM): make it out of stuffed animal fur
pixiechick78 (10:44:57 AM): hahahah
pixiechick78 (10:45:04 AM): and put eyes on it
pixiechick78 (10:45:05 AM): haha
dredgonred (10:45:08 AM): lol
dredgonred (10:45:24 AM): i have this huge bear one of my X's got for me at t he fair
dredgonred (10:45:26 AM): i could usse that
dredgonred (10:45:27 AM): lol
pixiechick78 (10:45:43 AM): awesome
dredgonred (10:45:48 AM): aww
dredgonred (10:45:53 AM): i dont want to gut it tho
dredgonred (10:45:53 AM): lol
pixiechick78 (10:45:58 AM): hahahaha
dredgonred (10:46:24 AM): i'll just go accross the border and buy fake furr
dredgonred (10:46:30 AM): and make me a bear coat
dredgonred (10:46:31 AM): lol
pixiechick78 (10:46:32 AM): yeah hhaha
pixiechick78 (10:46:35 AM): awesome
dredgonred (10:46:42 AM): i'll dye it orange and make me a fox coat
dredgonred (10:46:43 AM): woo
dredgonred (10:46:47 AM): lol or fox ears
pixiechick78 (10:46:52 AM): that would be bad ass
dredgonred (10:46:53 AM): oh that sounds awesome!
dredgonred (10:47:09 AM): every thing is cheap in mex
pixiechick78 (10:47:10 AM): now I want one
dredgonred (10:47:10 AM): lol
pixiechick78 (10:47:10 AM): hahah
dredgonred (10:47:12 AM): lol
pixiechick78 (10:47:21 AM): and it's not even cold here
pixiechick78 (10:47:22 AM): haha
dredgonred (10:47:31 AM): as soon as i get money i'm going to do it
dredgonred (10:47:36 AM): yeah same here
pixiechick78 (10:47:51 AM): LOVE IT
dredgonred (10:47:53 AM): it just got a little cloudy because it might spit in a little while
dredgonred (10:48:01 AM): it doesnt rain here it spits
pixiechick78 (10:48:06 AM): it's been rainging alot here lately
dredgonred (10:48:10 AM): yeah me too
pixiechick78 (10:48:17 AM): but that's because the world is coming to an end
dredgonred (10:48:24 AM): lol
pixiechick78 (10:48:24 AM): no biggie
pixiechick78 (10:48:25 AM): hahah
dredgonred (10:48:31 AM): we'll be dead by the time it dos
pixiechick78 (10:48:32 AM): floods and all kinds of shit
pixiechick78 (10:48:35 AM): yeah
dredgonred (10:48:37 AM): does anyway
pixiechick78 (10:48:39 AM): so I'm not worried
dredgonred (10:48:55 AM): its taking its time
dredgonred (10:49:00 AM):
dredgonred (10:49:06 AM): watch it all collapse right now
dredgonred (10:49:16 AM): lol....
pixiechick78 (10:49:19 AM): hahah California gets it first
dredgonred (10:49:21 AM):
dredgonred (10:49:29 AM): hhahaha yeea!
pixiechick78 (10:49:30 AM): and then I'll have beach front property
dredgonred (10:49:30 AM): lol
dredgonred (10:49:45 AM): they'll live in the underwater city
pixiechick78 (10:49:45 AM): woo hoo
dredgonred (10:49:46 AM): lol
pixiechick78 (10:49:46 AM): hahah
pixiechick78 (10:49:54 AM): wouldn't that be freaky
dredgonred (10:49:57 AM): yeah
pixiechick78 (10:50:04 AM): The Hollywood sign under water
dredgonred (10:50:07 AM): lol
dredgonred (10:50:19 AM): i'd like to live in an uderwater city
dredgonred (10:50:24 AM): just like in cartoons
pixiechick78 (10:50:27 AM): We'd have to buy scuba gear and retrieve all those designer purses
dredgonred (10:50:33 AM): in a huge bubble....
dredgonred (10:50:38 AM): haha
pixiechick78 (10:50:47 AM): sell em on ebay
pixiechick78 (10:50:49 AM): haha
dredgonred (10:50:50 AM): go scuba shopping
pixiechick78 (10:50:54 AM): yeah
pixiechick78 (10:50:56 AM): for real
dredgonred (10:51:08 AM): aww now i want it to happen
dredgonred (10:51:15 AM): i could use new shoes and clothes
dredgonred (10:51:40 AM): ..........oh but i dont know how to swim (just remembered)
dredgonred (10:51:51 AM): darn!
pixiechick78 (10:52:07 AM): well then we'll get one of those subs
pixiechick78 (10:52:15 AM): like in abyss so you wouldn't have to swim
pixiechick78 (10:52:25 AM): it would have mechanical arms
dredgonred (10:52:27 AM): lol
pixiechick78 (10:52:39 AM): can you imagine all the rich stuff that would just be chillen down there
pixiechick78 (10:52:44 AM): now I sound like a goonie
dredgonred (10:52:47 AM): yeah
dredgonred (10:52:55 AM): haha
dredgonred (10:53:14 AM): that would be nice
pixiechick78 (10:53:14 AM): I'm gonna do it though FOR REAL
dredgonred (10:53:23 AM): lol
pixiechick78 (10:53:25 AM): I bet millions of people will be doing the same thing
dredgonred (10:53:30 AM): u're going to make cali drown
pixiechick78 (10:53:36 AM): hahaha
pixiechick78 (10:53:38 AM): YEAH
dredgonred (10:53:42 AM): ok i'm in
dredgonred (10:53:46 AM): :S
pixiechick78 (10:53:53 AM): all I need is somethign to trigger the San andreas fault
pixiechick78 (10:53:54 AM): hahah
dredgonred (10:54:03 AM): ummm like a pipe bomb?
dredgonred (10:54:04 AM): lol
pixiechick78 (10:54:07 AM): maybe a meteor
pixiechick78 (10:54:12 AM): not a pipe bomb
dredgonred (10:54:12 AM): anything would trigger that thing
pixiechick78 (10:54:14 AM): think BIG
pixiechick78 (10:54:15 AM): hahaha
pixiechick78 (10:54:24 AM): like a rocket
pixiechick78 (10:54:25 AM): hahah
dredgonred (10:54:30 AM): meteor
pixiechick78 (10:54:34 AM): hahahah
dredgonred (10:54:35 AM): where do u plan to get a meteor
pixiechick78 (10:54:39 AM): Ebay
pixiechick78 (10:54:42 AM): I dunno
dredgonred (10:54:43 AM): lol
dredgonred (10:54:46 AM): yeah
dredgonred (10:54:57 AM): i've seen those
dredgonred (10:55:00 AM): haha
pixiechick78 (10:55:18 AM): hahaha
pixiechick78 (10:55:29 AM): expensive but worth it
pixiechick78 (10:55:30 AM): hahah
dredgonred (10:55:43 AM): lol
dredgonred (10:55:48 AM): yeah...
pixiechick78 (10:55:57 AM): we could only take waterproof stuff though
pixiechick78 (10:56:02 AM): obviously tv's wont work
dredgonred (10:56:08 AM): yeah
dredgonred (10:56:17 AM): but we could still sell them as if they did
pixiechick78 (10:56:22 AM): good point
pixiechick78 (10:56:30 AM): we are gonna need a bigger boat
dredgonred (10:56:32 AM): we'll post
dredgonred (10:56:42 AM): tv for sale
dredgonred (10:56:51 AM): and not say if its in good condition or even working
dredgonred (10:57:06 AM): lets get the titanic while we're at it
dredgonred (10:57:19 AM): its big enough
dredgonred (10:57:21 AM): lol
pixiechick78 (10:57:22 AM): See now your thinking
pixiechick78 (10:57:39 AM): !!!
pixiechick78 (10:57:40 AM): hahah
dredgonred (10:58:13 AM): haha i hadnt laughed this hard for a while
dredgonred (10:58:19 AM): thnx
pixiechick78 (10:58:34 AM): YOUR WELCOME
pixiechick78 (10:58:38 AM): but I wasn't joking
pixiechick78 (10:58:41 AM): hahahahahahahahahahahahaha
dredgonred (10:58:45 AM): lol
dredgonred (10:58:49 AM): i was afraid of that
pixiechick78 (10:58:52 AM): hahaha
dredgonred (10:58:53 AM): lol
dredgonred (10:59:06 AM): so how are we getting the meteor to crash in cali again?
dredgonred (10:59:20 AM): wont it take down more than cali with it???
pixiechick78 (10:59:20 AM): ebay
pixiechick78 (10:59:26 AM): nah
dredgonred (10:59:36 AM): u'll give him directions
pixiechick78 (10:59:37 AM): we are talking strategic meteor
pixiechick78 (10:59:40 AM): yeah
pixiechick78 (10:59:52 AM): we have to plan
pixiechick78 (11:00:02 AM): like find out where all the jewelry stores are
dredgonred (11:00:09 AM): hmm
pixiechick78 (11:00:15 AM): like harry winston and tiffany's
pixiechick78 (11:00:16 AM): hahah
dredgonred (11:00:22 AM): lol yeah
dredgonred (11:00:35 AM): and i'll get a map to the stars
dredgonred (11:00:39 AM): their houses
dredgonred (11:00:47 AM): they must have some loot there...
pixiechick78 (11:00:56 AM): Plenty
dredgonred (11:01:00 AM): and hit up the banks with the gold bricks
pixiechick78 (11:01:04 AM): FOR REAL
pixiechick78 (11:01:14 AM): see I knew you'd be perfedt for this
pixiechick78 (11:01:15 AM): hahah
dredgonred (11:01:20 AM): hahaha
dredgonred (11:01:32 AM): i happen to know a guy......
dredgonred (11:01:34 AM): lol
pixiechick78 (11:01:41 AM): hahahahah
dredgonred (11:01:47 AM): he could get us in!
pixiechick78 (11:02:05 AM): hahahaha
pixiechick78 (11:02:14 AM): we wouldn't even have to wear masks or anything hahah
dredgonred (11:02:15 AM): rent us some gear
pixiechick78 (11:02:20 AM): cuz it'll be under water
dredgonred (11:02:26 AM): lol except oxy masks
dredgonred (11:02:41 AM): we'll need some shark repellant
dredgonred (11:03:00 AM): i want a mermaid scuba suit!
dredgonred (11:03:24 AM): with the shells and all
pixiechick78 (11:03:28 AM): Aweseom
pixiechick78 (11:03:32 AM): no one would know
dredgonred (11:03:41 AM): they'll blame it on ariel!
dredgonred (11:03:42 AM): lol
pixiechick78 (11:03:46 AM): you punch sharks in the nose
pixiechick78 (11:03:50 AM): they get scared
pixiechick78 (11:03:57 AM): and they don't eat mermaid
pixiechick78 (11:04:03 AM): so you'll be safe
dredgonred (11:04:06 AM): yeah...
pixiechick78 (11:04:30 AM): see so no worried
pixiechick78 (11:04:37 AM): worries
dredgonred (11:04:38 AM): yeah
dredgonred (11:04:40 AM): we got this thing
dredgonred (11:04:54 AM): lets do it
dredgonred (11:04:59 AM): go on ebay...
dredgonred (11:05:26 AM): make the best bid and we'll take cali down
pixiechick78 (11:05:28 AM): hahahah
dredgonred (11:06:18 AM): the people live in the coast they should know how to swim right.....
pixiechick78 (11:06:21 AM):
dredgonred (11:06:25 AM): so we dont have to worry about them
dredgonred (11:06:43 AM): haha no way!
dredgonred (11:06:44 AM): LOL
pixiechick78 (11:07:07 AM): hahah
pixiechick78 (11:07:25 AM): aweseom
dredgonred (11:07:42 AM): I'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR ONE OF THESE!
pixiechick78 (11:07:51 AM): hahahaha
dredgonred (11:08:17 AM): hey the guy is from indiana
dredgonred (11:08:18 AM): lol
dredgonred (11:08:44 AM): that kind of looks like a dildo
dredgonred (11:08:45 AM): lol
pixiechick78 (11:09:20 AM): hahahah
pixiechick78 (11:09:52 AM): like in austin powers
pixiechick78 (11:09:56 AM): hahah
dredgonred (11:09:56 AM): lol
pixiechick78 (11:10:07 AM): a flying penis rocket
dredgonred (11:10:14 AM): lol yeah
pixiechick78 (11:10:39 AM): haha
dredgonred (11:10:54 AM): oh man
dredgonred (11:11:01 AM): well sorry to let you go
dredgonred (11:11:12 AM): but i've got to run and do my planning for world domination
pixiechick78 (11:11:15 AM): okay
pixiechick78 (11:11:17 AM): have fun
pixiechick78 (11:11:20 AM): hahah
dredgonred (11:11:21 AM): i mean my packing
pixiechick78 (11:11:27 AM): kewl
pixiechick78 (11:11:30 AM): I'll talk to ya later
dredgonred (11:11:31 AM): (i hope she didnt catch that)
dredgonred (11:11:35 AM): yeah...
pixiechick78 (11:11:36 AM): hahahah
dredgonred (11:11:42 AM): have fun keep me up to date with the plan
pixiechick78 (11:11:45 AM): Bye hun!
pixiechick78 (11:11:47 AM): I will
dredgonred (11:11:50 AM): lol byes
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