(no subject)

Feb 15, 2007 12:41

Today is a doozy of a post.
I have many things to get off my chest, and let me start out by saying, 42.

Now that i've said that, i will begin.

Bus Rider
One thing comes to mind with the Title, "Bus Rider" and that is "The Guess who". Great band, and has nothing to do with this rant.

Please note, I have eggxagerated the truth with "spice", so the truth is Bold-italisized This morning, I rode the bus; I had to, I have little gas left (and I'm broke this year).

Everything was fine until it was my stop. I signaled the driver to stop the bus, and he did. No problem here, i'll get off the bus. I was sitting down in the back and had to politly (cause i'm a nice guy) ask to get by people. Well then he takes off, thinking im not getting off the bus. I scream stop, and a few other people do to, and he either A) didnt Hear us, or B) Don't care. I opted for A since i ussually give people the benefit of the doubt. So Now im pissed because i missed my bus stop (hsssssss). So i walk to the front (and here is where the truth deviates).

I said "HEY PAL, YOU DIDNT LET ME OFF THE BUS! WHAT GIVES?" and the bus driver turned to me as he was driving and said
"I don't like you, and never will". SO!! I say "Hey no need for that" and he slams on the breaks causing me to go off balance
And he says "Nice Wobble, Weeble!" making a fat joke about those toys that weeble wobble (but they dont fall down). So i grabs his union card and call the police. ANd they chase this bus down for like 40 miles, because hes not giving himself up! And it's just like speed (the movie) without keanu reeves, and they finally bring him to justice The cop says "Good Job citezen, have this bag of reward money". I take the bag and i distribute it out to the patrons, and i drive all of them to their jobs, one by one. And everyone claps because i saved the day.

And you won't hear it on FOX-CNNBC-News* because they only talk about bad stuff in the world.

It's Deja-vu all Over again

This phrase has bothered me for a while. It's funny when it's taking in the construct of a joke, but
I think people over-use this phrase. I did some research and found out that it Derives from Yogi Baran, or Yogi Bear (im not a baseball fan, sorry)
and he has other phrases people use that are oxymoronic. It's fine if he was witty. Lets hope he was trying to be.
Please dont use it around me! say "Wow, Deja-vu" and everyone knows what you mean. Heres my logic.

I think of Deja-vu meaning "Expirenced before" (it litterally means 'Already seen'). So if you say
(replacing deja vu with my meaning) "it's like all over again" it's redundant and i dont like it. Take that proper english majors!

Here we go again, Tim Hardaway!
Peoples?? PEOPLES??? Ok, first he hates people different than he is, and 2nd, why do we care what he says, hes a Jock! =)

That's it, no more, go home!

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