Sep 18, 2005 18:29
Sundays used to be one of my favorite days of the week, as I would just pretty much relax, and do things around the house to get ready for the week (this would be when I had weekends off).. Now, I HATE them! I am having such a hard time working weekends these days.. It was so hard this summer to be here every weekend.. Granted I did take a couple weekends off to do something here or there, but for the most part, I was HERE.. It's so slow on the weekends here, that it makes the time go by soooooo slow....Oh well.. I'll get over it I suppose! At least after this week my schedule will go back to normal, and I will have 2 days off in a row again! YAAAYYY...!!
Wednesday was our team builder for work. We had a great time! We had a scavenger hunt that was the first part of it, and I was totally not prepared for it. It was 3 hours long! And the team I was with insisted on RUNNING everywhere! Well, yeah, last time I checked, I'm not a runner! So, I was just walking, and decided screw it! Told the leader lady that I was going back.. I was so pooped! I felt bad, but not that bad! Then we all had lunch, which was nice, and then headed over to the Mariners game! It was great fun! Our whole dept. pretty much got wasted, and it was interesting to see people in a different light, with alcohol involved! Always interesting! All in all it was a good time.. Some weirdness happened, but nothing that I won't get past..
So, now I'm just bored.. I've been thinking about when Diane will be here in December... I'm so looking forward to that! Hopefully I will get the days off that I want, because then I would end up being off 7 of the days that she is here, which would be very nice! I'm not sure what we are going to do yet, but maybe go up to Canada or something if the weather isn't too bad! That would be fun..
I got a new comforter set for my bed. It's totally deese! I love it actually! Now I just need to get new curtains, and a rug to match, and paint my room, and I'll be happy! I've decided probably like a deep muave color for my room. My new comforter is like a plum color I guess.. Something to match that would be nice..It's a Martha Stewart comforter! Go Martha! So, that was nice.. Plus I got myself 4 new pillows too! I love new pillows! I'm a dork!
So, other than that, not too much new I guess... I finally started on my big project for work.. After not working on it at all for the last two months! It's going to be more work than I thought, but once I get everything organized on how I want it to be, I think it will be ok. It will be a good resource for the team, so that's all that's important, since I'm all about being a team player ;) Ha ha!
Ok, I'm outtie..