WInter is hitting fast....

Oct 12, 2007 07:48

 I have been so busy these past few days and even weeks. i have to go get ready for work soon but i thought i would meantion somestuff in here first.

i am now finally see people coming back. It is such a great feeling when i see a fimilar name on my book. it makes me feel good. Also a lot of people have been recommending me thir freinds and family. I'm so excited about that. it helps so much when it comes to making more money and makes me feel like a great hairdresser. I'm so happy about that.

SChool is getting harder. to much stuff to memorize. to do to take. i have written four essays with in 4 weeks. thats a lot for just one class. plus all the other homework for myt other classes. omg is crazy.

That is why i have taken next saturdat off just to hang out have fun sleep in. I'm going to fright fest with a huge groups of people. i have hung out with a huge group of people since mid summer. thats like 3 months ago! so i'm very excited to take a break. it is needed. the next break won;t be until thanksgiving which i get off on;ly thursday. then christmas which i took off the day after. :) then winter break for school. i',m so excited. a month of no school!

not i have to look for winter cloths for work.i don't have many nice sweaters. oh man... well i have to get ready now. i'll talk more another time.
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